
Lovely Morning

Wow, today is really beautiful! It's one of those mornings where you wake up and it's bright and fresh outside, with a bit of a chill. Quite nice. I've been sick all week with my sinuses and woke up feeling lots better, too. Everyone was even in a good mood this morning before they all went to school and such, which is really rare. Mom has all these candles lit around the house, so it smells really nice, too. Plus it's Friday, which is always good. I'm going to lunch with Kim, Bethanie, and Wess (heehee), so I'm looking forward to that. This is going to be a good weekend. Kim and I are gonna play around with my hair sometime this weekend and maybe chop it off a bit, b/c it's gonna be a while before my hairdresser can fit me in, gah! Wow, my entries are always so exciting, aren't they?! :)

aigre-douce at 8:06 a.m.

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