
Main Street

This morning on the way to school Kim and I saw huge icicles hanging down from this woman's balcony on Main Street. We see so many amazing things each morning on Main Street that I vote we get a camera (disposable, even), get out earlier, maybe, and take pictures of the random things in Enterprise at 7:50 in the morning on Main Street. It'd be a great collection, full of glossy classic cars from the 50s, a truck whose bed was filled with bales of hay that were for sale, beautiful self-made icicles hanging from an apartment balcony encased in wrought iron, New Orleans style. There's so much more. Of course there's always the Boll Weevil (bwhahaha) monument. . . On the drive to school we also spied men SALTING THE STREETS (snow??????), which is something you NEVER see here. We were both like, "Yaaaaay!!!" I don't think I should feel dorky for this outburst, either. It's better not to lose your childlike wonder over such simple yet monumental things, rather than to become jaded and not even notice.

aigre-douce at 8:28 a.m.

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