
Triumphant Warrior

I'm such a dork. Earlier this afternoon, I was doing my Pilates and yoga tape to help calm down (oh, and that toning thing), and as always, it helped. Well, I just called Matt W. (my escort; there are just too many Matts. . . he can also be referred to as Soccer Matt, I suppose), and when I got off the phone, I defnitely did my "triumphant warrior" yoga pose. I'm the biggest dork ever, dear God. He's such a sweetheart. It's ridiculous how we automatically judge people, unintentionally, even if it has to do with past experiences with people *like* them. I was wrong about Matt; he's sweet and not stuck-up at all. Renews my faith in humanity. Enterprise humanity, anyway, haha.

aigre-douce at 6:35 p.m.

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