
This is Lauren's nervous stomach

This is Lauren, hating her life.

I've actually had an excellent day, I just suck at preparation. Today I had my west. civ. test. . . kaboom. That was the sound of me bombing it! No, I'm sure I did okay, I just couldn't remember Oliver Cromwell's name to save my soul (really bad, b/c all weekend his name was stuck in my head and I knew who he was, and during the test, I could see his face, but COULD NOT remember his name. gaaahhhhh.). All those kings and philosophes names. . . Confusion abounds.

Had a staff meeting today, and b/c it was at twelve, I was stuck at the school until two. Of course I forgot to bring my materials for my paper (cough, the one that's due tomorrow), so I just read The Good Girl's Guide to Bad Girl Sex (yeah, don't ask OR assume) and hung out with Simon. Of course the only new thing I found out in the meeting was that we needed to sell more ads, which wasn't news at all.

Kim and I went to Dakota's (the coffeeshop) after school. Finally talked to Barret. . . . I start training tomorrow. I'm nervous. This will be my first job, not counting years of babysitting, of course. The bad part is that when he asked me if I'd be able to work weekends, I told him I'd be really flexible except for the weekends when E would be down, as we're in a long-distance relationship and don't see each other often (he nodded). Uh, of course I forgot to mention that E's coming down this weekend. Hope he does't want me to work! He shouldn't as he just talked to me today and therefore should have the schedule out for this weekend already. Oh I hope so. I'm praying about it. Speaking of which, I told E about this, and told him (to see what he'd say, mostly) to pray about it, and he said he would. Interesting.

Sigh. Have a paper due tomorrow, and of course I've left the actual writing until the night before. Curses.

And I have System's "Self-Righteous Suicide" stuck in my head, courtesy of lunch w/Simon, who doesn't even like them.

And I'm getting my hair cut tomorrw, how, I don't know yet. Wish me luck. Lots. And pray.

And I almost forgot - Kim and I walked in Dakota's today, and I 'sucked in half of the world's atmosphere'. . . Chris was there today and I will definitely be working with him. I'm so nervous, I've already made such a bad impression, but that's another story. OH, the stress. And I have to have super cute hair to top, or at least be equal to, his. Gahhh. He's no Josh Hollis. Which reminds me of the FINAW article I have to do.

Go see Josh:


Bee-yoo-ti-ful. I only wish I could look like him. Only a girl? With red hair? I dunno. Back to my paper.

aigre-douce at 10:21 p.m.

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