
"I'm Just a Girl"

Glory hallelujah, I definitely do not have to work this weekend! I went in to work today (first day!) to be trained, and Barret said he didn't have many hours for me, but he could try to fit me in some Saturday. I was like, "Well, if it makes it any easier on you, I can just start Monday" and told him that E was coming down this weekend, but if he really needed me, I'd be more than happy to work. He was like, "Nah, just come in Monday." I win. Chris (guy w/cute funky hair) introduced himself and was super nice. What a cutie. He was definitely hardcore dancing around in the shop when there were no customers, which for some reason, made my day. There wasn't a lot I could learn today, as the shop is still being set up. I get to learn drinks Monday, hooray! I'm so looking forward to that. Chris complimented me on my cuff today, which also cheered me up some, as I definitely wasn't stressing about my outfit this morning.

I stayed up until 2:30 this morning, working on my paper. I gave up and thought I'd take a 2 hour nap. . . and ended up just sleeping until 6. As a result, I skipped Mass Comm (hooray), but I also had to miss Philosophy, too. That makes me really sad; I love that class. I'd saved what work I'd done on a disk, and when I got to school I wrote everything down that I wanted to add to my paper (oh, only about 4 other pages). I went to type it and add it to what I already had. . and the school comps definitely do not support Microsoft Works Word Processor, so I got to retype the entire thing, and then add a title page and essay preview. Fun, fun, fun. Having to retype everything and getting everything together (of course our printer was out of paper, then I couldn't find any in the office, so I had to get some from the computer lab. . . it's one of those days to the extreme) made me miss my Freshman Comp class for which the paper was due, but Dr. Scott didn't care, as long as I got it in. Sigghh. Which I eventually did. I hope he enjoys all the extra work I put into that.

On a much better note, I had a great afternoon. Mom, Leighton, and I went and got our haircuts, which all turned out well (hair is a big issue in our family). I got mine cut in a mod bob, but then I decided I wanted it shorter. And short it is. It's pretty sophisticated and it doesn't flip anywhere (for once). It's almost depressing, it's so. . . normalish. But it looks good, I think. I suppose if I really don't like it, I can always get Dee to cut it. . . for the third time. It's much shorter than I usually have it in the back, and I keep feeling like I have it clipped up in bobby pins or something. It's crazy. I do look much . . . older, I guess. Whatev.

Speaking of looking older! Tonight Desiree took me out to dinner (to celebrate my first day of my first job, aww) and told me that Billy (if I did't mention him earlier, he's her really hot black boss/manager/smthg that has a foot fetish and kept asking me if he could play with my feet Saturday night. . . yeah, he's definitely married, but it's funny, all the same) kept asking about me and teasing her about me Sunday. He was like, "Oh, don't let me forget to give you my number to give to Lauren! She told me to give it to you for her" and stuff. I was amused and for whatever reason, somewhat pleased, of course. I dressed up tonight very cutely (no, not for him, but b/c I certainly don't have JEANS and I have a new haircut to show off), but he was not there, so Dee's gonna be like, "Yeah, Lauren came up here the other night all dressed up, looking for you. She got a pedicure and everything!" I'm so silly when I haven't had any sleep. Sigh.

Got hit on when Dee and I went to the pet store to buy my sister painted glass fish. Get this, they're these clear little fish, and people inject the fish w/neon paint so they have neon stripes along the edges. It's unreal. There was definitely some techno and dance playing in the pet shop, which was strangely fitting. Dude, neon fish and club music? What's up. I'd definitely be listening to that stuff if I worked in a pet shop!! I was so impressed. There were a lot of cute, friendly guys working there, too. And by a lot, I mean one and a half. One guy was really charming and had some beautiful eyes and was really funny. This other guy was kind of cute and really really funny and nice, but was wearing clothing I don't find attractive. Call me shallow if you will. I just don't find silk Spiderman shirts all that appealing. Ah, well.

I like getting boy attention, of course. As long as it's not from creepy old guys, anyway. *(Hence the boy part!)* There's a guy in one of my classes that always wears a hat and is older, and flirts with me a lot. He's not sleazy or gross or anything, just. . . older. Anyway, I saw him today without his cap, and it appeared like he had maybe three strands of blonde hair growing on the top of his head. It just surprised me, b/c he's not that much older (only 26?), but he's also really really pale and was wearing glasses. And for some reason, it just reminded me of this movie I once saw (of course I can't remember which one, or what it was about) and the bad guy was really pale and creepy and had really bad teeth and was leering a lot and wore glasses and was balding with a few strands of stringy blonde hair. I can't remember the movie. . .I'm thinkin' it was indie, though. . . or it could be from an FLB novel, she's so descriptive. . . The guy was skinny and tall, though. Just like the guy in my class. Who, of course, winked at me every time I saw him today. Maybe the villain was an evil doctor. . . I dunno. But he did have REALLY bad teeth, which I don't recall my classmate having. . . but it's possible of course.

Wow, I just rambled on a lot about that. Yeah, I'm tired. I wanted to talk to E before I went to bed, but he's not online, and I'm thinking he's doing his Air Force stuff. . . and I don't want to call.

On the older guy thing - it bothers me so much b/c guys I'll like that are my own age don't pay me much attention, usually (okay, yeah, except my wonderful boyfriend. . . and some of his dorm mates, hahaha), but older guys that I'll just want to be friends with develop mad crushes on me, it's ridiculous. I'm not being melodramatic or arrogant. I've had friends of my parents (men, mind you) tell me in all seriousness that they have crushes on me, and hit on me. It's fucked up. And it's not like I 'put out' (yes, I am in a sexual r/ship w/Elliott, but this isn't exactly a well-known fact, and I'm definitely not a sleazy girl), so I don't understand where this comes from. Guys my age ignore me; older guys are impressed by 'how intelligent and mature' I am. And I don't feel like I'm intelligent OR mature, just stupid and boring, with the occasional endearing girliness stuff and bursts of semi-violent anger. Dear Jesus, please help me. It's just annoying, because I'll meet an older guy, like from church or something, and I'll talk to him, and he ends up having a crush on me, and it's so obvious, it's sickening. I hate it. It's not cute at all when an older guy calls me "sweetie" or makes sexual references, except when it's purely in jest. I HATE IT. It makes my skin crawl, to be quite honest. The sad thing is that I used to really like older guys. I mean, crushes and all that jazz. Now if I see an older guy checking me out, it makes me mad, which is ridiculous. Something is wrong with me, pure and simple. This should be the other way around. Man, bread pudding for breakfast tomorrow, yum! Goodnight.

aigre-douce at 9:17 p.m.

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