
Pr aaaa line, as in, short 'a'.

I'm tired of people that ask for my opinion and insult me and are whiny ass bitches.

I'm tired of trying to make other people feel better, especially when nothing works. You can't complain about being bored if you're too lazy to go anywhere when someone has an idea that does not involve pot.

I think people should be objective, and not just like/dislike someone b/c of what others have told them about experiences with that person. That's ridiculous, you have to get to know them yourself.

All in all, it's been a really good, though hugely unproductive, week.

And I kissed Elliott's little brother twice tonight. What's up now. He (the brother) was warned, though. He then challenged me to do it, and blushed when I did. I think he liked it too much, though, b/c he kept messing with me after that, and then would blush and get really still if I came close to him. It was really funny. I wish he'd stop stealing my shoes. On the other hand, I do have his Chucks, not that he's realized it yet.

Tomorrow's E's mom's last full day here (I had dreams last night), and I work tomorrow, 4-9. Which means I'll get actually off around 9:45. Grrrreaaaat. But I get to work with Pretty Haired Boy, so it's all good. Fun fun fun.

Today Dad and I went out to lunch.It's so cold right now! Instead of the chicken salad and fruit, I broke down and got the roast beef, the best mashed potatoes I've ever had in my entire life, green beans (which I didn't eat), bread in a cup, and a praline crepe. It was so so so good. We had a really good day today. He's so much cooler than I thought, he has such amazing ideas sometimes.

And I rented Waking Life, Amelie (WATCH IT!!!), and Office Space. Yeahhhh!

Mom and I had a superimportant talk yesterday, and she basically knows everything now. And all is well.

Life? Minus this semester not ending soon enough, I'm liking it a whole lot. Oh yeah, and that paper I keep putting off. . . no matter it was due Tuesday. Whoops.

And major makeout with people in the next room is always super intense and fun. So good. I wish everyday could be like this, I'd always be happy. I think I will just run away!

aigre-douce at 11:31 p.m.

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