
Lauren's a dork with ADD like whoa

By this not-being-able-to-update-problem being very rare....he must be kidding. Happens to me all the time now, actually, any time I try to update, within the past two weeks. So there. Yeah right.

Today has been completely annoying, but with good bits. Such as -

I got up this morning, got ready, Mom made breakfast for me. Eggs and rice (one dish) and then steak. Yeahhhh. So good, so good. Unfortunately, through breakfast I had to hear all about my family's plans for the day - picking blueberries at my mom's coworker's house (looks like it's in its own world, apart from everything; beautiful). After they pick blueberries, they're having a picnic lunch, and will go swimming. I, on the other hand, have to go to two two-hour classes back-to-back (bio and art appreciation), then have a bio lab. Grrr. My summer is being wasted away in a classroom while a woman rambles (and I do mean rambles!) on about the cell. Because, you know, after four years of learning about that every year I need to know more about it, right? Wrrrrong! I can not study and ace such tests. Realllly annoying to have to sit there, pretend to pay attention (Kimm was sitting next to me, and we planned out her July 4th potluck during this time), and then the woman wants to make me late for my next class, one I actually care about. We got our tests from last week back....I did not do well at all. I would like to say that it has to do with the fact that I didn't get my bio book until the day of the test, but the whole thing was from our notes, so really it's just because I didn't study. Completely forgot. Then I raced off to art appreciation, to find

No class today; Ms. Earnest had to take her mother to the hospital. We have an assignment, but that's not the point. I made sure to wear a super visually-appealing outfit today to impress her somewhat, and didn't even get the chance for her to see it. Ms. Earnest is amazing. She's really cool; has short black hair in a sleek bob, somewhat dramatic eye makeup (either that or she just has dramatic eyes), is very graceful, and wears striped shirts with scarves, and the effect is slightly optical allusional. I love it. And she has the best shoes, too. I love that class. I mean, of course I do, it's art, hello! And no class for me today. Instead I just had to have hours shaved off of my life listening to that woman go on and on and on about cells. For the love of God, cells??? What was she thinking?! I mean, of course it's required, it is, after all, biology, but jeeeze! I'm thinking if you are in college, you should know these things by now, you know?? So frustrated.

I did, however, run into Aaron, who offered to let my borrow his Echo (ahhh), cellphone, and give me money for food so I would be entertained/occupied for the next two hours. I got super happy...till I realized that I have a lab this afternoon. Which means more of Mrs. Adkison, whom I like, but cannot pay attention to for more than 45 minutes at a time. Gahhh. Did not take Aaron up on his offer, as I'm thinking it may not be safe to drive in this mood. Plus I'm funny about driving other people's cars. I remember when Elliott wanted me to drive his car, and I wouldn't do it for a whiiiiile. Gahh.

I am now in the library, under the pretense that I will research my paper with all this time on my hands...and have found nothing thus far. Today is boring, but will get better. After all, I open my bank account, am going to the health food store for some Tofutti, and hopefully will be able to change my schedule so I will be off Saturday night. I certainly hope so. I hate putting Barrett under that kind of stress/irritation, but it's a Forever Is Not A Wish show, and I have to have some sort of social interaction at some point. I spend a lot of time by myself these days, simply because I am so busy and of course, there's the fact that other people have things going on, too. Saturday night will also be the last time I see James for a while, so you know, that means off time, right? And we get to flaunt ourselves as a cute couple in front of everyone, and I just can't pass that up. Plus everyone together? Should be fun. Mostly.

I'm so tired of hearing about all this 'drama' that's going to go down when Allison Cole moves back. The upside is that she's not moving to Enterprise, to my knowledge. I mean, sure, she'll be in the area, but that girl's staying in Bham, which is at least two hours away. I'm not worried, and I'm definitely not scared or anything, I'm just tired of extra tension. I have enough of that in my life without needing some childish bullshit added, thanks. Thanks to Mr. Jameson, I could certainly take her if it came down to it. But it won't. She'll just talk shit.

Summer in Alabama is so pretty, it's just damn hot. I wish I wasn't stuck in school all day or at work at night. Chris is leaving within the month, which does not make my heart sing. I will miss Chris. Oh, Mr. Insight. We're supposed to go to Mikata one night before he leaves, but knowing Chris, he may weasel his way out of it. Hopefully not.

Ohhh, tonight is hangout time with Mr. James and Josh Hollis....yeah, the same Josh Hollis that I was so enamored with there for a while. Mr. Vertical Labret Piercing himself. Such a nice guy. He and James have been friends forever, I'm so glad someone has that kind of friendship.

It's only 12:03. Cannot remember time of lab, though I think now may be a good time to get my grub on. Peace out.

aigre-douce at 11:40 a.m.

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