
Fishing on Friday

Last night I had a dream about an old friend of mine. And by 'old friend', I mean someone I was friends with for a while, but cut them off not too long ago. It kind of made me sad, because in a few respects I do miss that person (best female I know to get hyped with about hating or wanting to hurt somebody), but there are things that have happened between us that I can't/won't drop. That and the fact that their personality is changing. For instance, said old/ex-friend is now dating someone that a year or so ago, she would have made a lot of fun of and grossed out by that person's appearance. I can only keep up with so many personalities, you know? Anyway, I don't hate her anymore. I'm not going to try and be friends with her or anything, I'm just not going to hold a whole lot against her, I guess.

Plus, I can only intensely hate a few people at the time, so I guess she just got bumped off to make room for people I really would like to run over with a car.

Anyway, that was just on my mind (how I almost miss that person), and I felt like writing it.

Today's plans: Fishing with Kim, Kill Bill 2, and possibly Man on Fire (with Denzel Washington).

aigre-douce at 12:19 p.m.

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