
James-free Till Monday!!

Yesterday James left for Atlanta to visit Josh...I'm sure glad he's out of my hair. What, with his constant calling and texting and everything. A girl needs some time to herself, you know.

The more I think about it, the more appealing making a new Diary sounds. I wonder if my Gold account would transfer?

Things as of late:

+ Leighton gave me the cutest-ever Rainbow Brite t-shirt, and it looks great on me.

- My cat is sick

+ I'm getting money

+ My Eisley CDs I ordered finally came in

+ I only have 10 more 'grades' before I kick I-Ninja's ass. This would have happened a lot sooner had we not kept accidentally deleting the files on it.

+ Talked to Durand today. He misses me.

+ I only have one play report left to do for SXE Allison.

- My pedicure is chipped

- Haven't really had a chance to talk to James lately

+ But it's okay, because it's not like I miss him or anything

+ The Mobile Apartment Finder came in

- James has it

+ I have new coffee AND it doesn't make me sick

+/- I'm currently 'fixing' my hair. And I don't mean styling it, either.

+ The Virgin Suicides and Funny Face are waiting to be watched

+ I can rent any movie for .99 @ Blockbuster from now till next weekend

- I need to get my own Blockbuster card

+++ I got my driver's license in the mail today!

-I look like an egg in it

+ I have insurance!

Annnd that's about it. Till next time...

aigre-douce at 1:19 p.m.

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