
How'd Atlanta Go?

Ground control to Major Tom... Today I got a Ziggy Stardust top! I got some other kickass pieces from Urban Outfitters (I love my boyfriend) and job applications. Are you not proud?

The trip to Atlanta was fantastic. I met a dozen awesome people, and for once, I didn't feel anxious at all. It was wonderful. Unfortunately, there are about 4 other Laurens there, so I'm considering taking my middle name (Ariel) and using it from now on. I look like the Little Mermaid anyways. Hmph.

On the way to Atlanta, we stopped in Montgomery at a gas station. While sitting in the car, waiting for James to get done, this guy walked past the car that looked ridiculously familiar. I looked again, and it was My Escort Matt from last year!! I honked the horn at him, and we chatted a bit. It was crazy seeing him, since I really hadn't seen him in about a year, and the last time I saw him I'm sure I looked like crap, so it was nice to look nice for once when randomly running into somebody. He was in town for some job training for the day, so the fact that we ran into each other when we did was even more incredible. I love it when really cool things happen by chance.

Despite the fact I'm back at home, in my peripheral vision, the walls just faded out and I thought I was back at the warehouse. I'd say Sadly, no except my house has air conditioning everywhere, and the warehouse (where we stayed; Josh lives there with 4 other guys) only has it in the bedrooms. I.e., there's NO air conditioning in the main area, the lofts (where we slept), or the bathroom. In this single aspect, I'm glad to be back home.

Speaking of homes...James and I found an excellent apartment *Click Here*, and paid the deposit on it. It's a studio, so when you walk in, there's a large storage closet (which I'm turning into a lovely walk-in dressing room for myself), a well-sized bathroom, the kitchen, and then the living area, which has a balcony attached to it. However, the ceiling is realllllly high, and there's another balcony attached to it, so: James is building on an upper part/floor. Apparently the former owner did the same, which gave us the idea (there were a couple of planks still up there). James is incredibly excited about building onto it, and absolutely loves the apartment. It's so cute. So on bottom 'living area' will be the living/dining room area, and then up top will be our bedroom and the computer area. And attached to our bedroom---another balcony!! Us=uber excited.

My new favorite person is Adam, a guy with no body hair (due to a disease) and facial piercings all over the place. He wears eyeliner and sometimes a wig, and his skin glows. He's one of the nicest guys I've ever met. As soon as we met, we instantly clicked and had inside jokes. I immediately felt comfortable around him. When we got to his apartment, I found we really are kindreds. He has lime green and white stripes on his walls and white paper star lanterns with green bulbs in them hanging from the ceiling. If you know me well, you know that this is almost exactly how I would decorate a place. Only, I want smaller, bright stripes of different colors (like on the Swell book). I already have a star lantern. Not only that, but we wear the same scent (Love Spell by Victoria's Secret, and he likes girls). Anyway, he's helping us go shopping for furniture and decor for the apartment. I can't wait to see him in July.

Other assorted and sundry news: Thanks to Atlanta, I'm smoking again. You'd think having not smoked for close to 4 months I wouldn't even feel the urge, ever, but it's just not like that. I simply cannot be around other smokers and not smoke, and e v e r y o n e we hung out with in Atlanta smokes. So, Scarlett Johannesen --see template-- is even more true-life to me now. Also, I have somehow managed to lose my cell phone this afternoon. I swear it's in James's car somewhere, but he can't find it. To preserve my battery, I turned my phone off earlier today, so there's no calling it to locate it, either. Genius!

While in Atlanta, Josh, James, and I went to a free screening of Napoleon Dynamite and got cute free t-shirts that are slightly too large, but can be fixed. Dang! It's like the best movie ever! That movie was so good, and is hands-down the greatest movie for quoting and re-enacting (right next to All the Real Girls's deleted scenes, that is). I definitely suggest seeing it a.s.a.p.

Also, I had the honor of introducing Spliffany to Popeye's, which somehow, though having lived in Atlanta her whole life, she's never experienced. It was amaaaaazingly good food.

Back to the kickass apartment complex: A floor below the apartment we applied for is a girl named Maryanne who's a cosmetologist. We're so having hair and makeup parties! Her entire apartment is painted girly pink, and she owns ferretts. I love it. She cut Josh's hair last night, so I got to see her work, and she's awesome. This only inspired me more to become a makeup artist and (hair) colorist. I love it.

Summary: I didn't find anything about Atlanta I didn't like, except the lack of air conditioning in the warehouse, which we won't be living in, anyway. I love the fact that it doesn't matter what color/cut your hair is or that you can have facial piercings and tattoos and still get jobs. This pleases me. I loved Atlanta, and the people there. And for me to love an entire group of people anywhere is damn near unbelievable in itself. I totally wasn't expecting it, either. I can't wait to move!!

Kickass end note: Each apartment building in the Fulton Cotton Mill complex has a roof you can get out on with tables, chairs, and a beautiful view of the city skyline.

aigre-douce at 11:21 p.m.

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