
It's Autumn! And How I Became Kid Again

It's been sixteen days since my last real entry. My free time is now devoted to sleeping or spending time with James. Apparently James misses not being able to spend as much time with me since I'm working all the time, so I try to appease him when I'm not working. You'd think that because we live together that we'd get to spend a lot of time together, but I'm afraid to report that it just isn't true. We get to spend a lot of time together, just not quality time. Somehow, I just don't think only spending time together during meals and while you're sleeping is quality time. Also, James has started to play another online game a lot, which takes up the only computer in the apartment. As a result, I never have time to make any entries.

However! James' dad is giving me an internet compatible computer, so now I'll have my own computer for the first time in my life! Obviously, I'm very excited about this. I can do whatever I want on it, because it's my computer, and spend as much time as I like on it . . . and because we have cable internet, there's no fighting over who gets to be online! I'm really very excited about this.

Where to begin . . . I've become completely obsessed with pumpkin as of late. Pumpkin bubblebath, pumpkin juice, pumpkin sugar body scrub, spiced pumpkin truffles (courtesy of Godiva), pumpkin soup, pumpkin shakes, pumpkin flavored coffee, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin candle, pumpkin pancakes, etcetera, etcetera. Actually, to be more accurate, I've become obsessed with everything having to do with autumn in general. I'm on a misson to find a collection of Vincent Price movies. I've bought everything I need to make caramel and caramel apples. I'm even listening to music that reminds me of autumn; Modest Mouse, old Dashboard Confessional, and AFI since I was introduced to them all in the fall, and then acoustic music like George Winston and Windham Hill collections and Johnny Cash's latest cd. I've purchased all of the Harry Potter books and DVDs, and my next Harry Potter purchases will probably be the chocolate frogs and ice mice. Why? It reminds me of fall. Well, that and I'm obsessed. I'm still on a search for spiced apple chai, though. My new favorite food is soup, and I love the fact that it has been chilly in Atlanta recently, because it means that I get to bundle up. Ahhh, autumn.

I am proud to report that I have become indpendent. I am much more emotionally independent than I have ever been, but responsibly so. I am the most financially independent (and responsible) than I have ever been in my entire life . . . and I absolutely love it. For the first time in my life, I feel like I'm not indebted to anyone, and I'm free to make my decisions solely based on what I really want(in a responsible manner), not anything else. Although being an adult is exhausting, I love my life right now.

About that adult bit . . . I've always told that your tastes change as you get older. I think I would now have to agree with that. I like spicy foods now, and instead of wantintg to look more sophisticated, I now want to look more fun. I mean, who cares? I'm only going to be 20 once in my life; better make it worth it. I still have sophisticated tastes in most things, but I feel like lately I have been reverting to some of my childhood desires. I have recently bought a powder blue and bubblegum pink pair of these Pumas, a Hello Kitty wallet (I already have the matching cell phone case), the new Tamogotchi (the orange one; second one frome the top), and think wantonly of playing Fable when I'm at work. When I was at Surprises Inside (a Hello Kitty/Sanrio) store, the owner (an older Japanese lady) waited on me, and we spoke. She owned the original Surprises Inside (when I was a little girl it was in the mall, and I thought it was heaven), and was telling me how some of the Sanrio characters were going down in value. She asked me if I wanted my wallet personalized with my name on it, and the obsessed little girl inside me tugged on my nostalgic heart strings, and I couldn't resist. It's on the back of my wallet in satiny gold paint marker, stars surrounding it to match the theme of my wallet. I suppose this means I long for my childhood.

Coincidentally, I am currently at my parents' house, savoring the last hours of my weekend visit. I've decided this is a nice place to visit, but I certainly do not miss living here. I don't miss the ignoramuses that live in the area, nor do I miss someone else being the boss of me. This morning my dad woke me up. "Good morning! Time to get up and get ready!" "Get ready for what," I asked. "Church!" "Um, I'm not going." "Oh you're not?" "Nope." "Okay." There was not a fight, and it was lovely. So while they're at church, I am relaxing in this wonderful house, and have the computer all to myself, it's quiet except for the tick tock of the clock, the occassional sounds from the kitties, and my own typing. I love it.

Like old times, James is coming over to have lunch and to pick me up soon, so now I have to hurry up and get ready. My dear Diaryland, this has been quite pleasant, we must do it more often.

aigre-douce at 9:21 a.m.

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