
All I want for Christmas is time to write an entry!

All I want for Christmas is time to write an update!

I always have a million things I want to write, but I never have time to do so. As soon as I sit down to type out my thoughts, there's always someone who wants to know why I'm not spending time with them instead of being on the computer. It's really frustrating. I'm starting a petition to add more hours to the day.

Super brief rundown as of late:

*James was in the hospital the week after Thanksgiving for a few days, and is still having stomach problems, so has had approximately a million doctor appointments since.
*Kimm came to visit me two weekends ago, and we had a lot of fun. This older guy I was trying to seduce shut me down because he liked Kim (who has no interest in him), but that was made okay by the fact that when LeJuano (a cute Javaology customer I'm chummy with) heard the story, he was surprised because he thought I was cuter than Kim. It's good to hear things like that occassionally for the ego, you understand. Also, while Kim was in town, we went to a show that her ex-fiance, Dusty, and his friend drove up (from Alabama) to come see, too. Dusty's friend was incredibly drunk and called me a slut, so I promptly slapped the shit out of him. It was very liberating. He was joking about calling me a slut, but I was joking about slapping him. Two days later Kim slapped Dusty for the same reason (only Dusty was sober).
*James and I have now been together for a year and a half. He knows me quite well by now, and told me the other day that he forgives me for not always having a faithful mind. He's amazing and quite cute. I came home the other day and discovered he'd decorated the apartment for Christmas, to include making and hanging paper chains along one wall. How cute? And has been getting up lately to make me breakfast before work. I love him more than anything.
*Alabama drives me crazy. It's incredibly humid right now, and my hair and skin is not responding well to it, despite the fact that I should be used to it, having lived here for 15 years. I really don't feel comfortable here anymore. It sounds stupid, but I feel like I can be myself more easily in Atlanta than I can in Alabama, like I'm finally free to be who I've really always been deep down. I mean, if you've really known me well, then there's not that big of a difference anyway. But one thing's for certain, I definitely don't let anybody intimidate me in Atlanta, and I'm just me. I can't say the same for myself in Alabama. It's weird, because I get homesick for Alabama, but as soon as I get here, I think, "Is it too late to turn around and drive back to Atlanta?" Really I just miss my family, not Alabama, I guess. Who knows.
*As usual, my family is celebrating a major holiday (in this case, Christmas) the day before because my dad works that actual day of the holiday. So for me, today is Christmas Eve. I'm really excited to see everybody's faces when they get their presents tomorrow. I did really well this year, with James' help. He's amazing.
I just remembered I haven't finished ALL of my holiday shopping,so I now have to rush to get ready to go with my mom and siblings to Dothan, oh joy. I'll probably be chewing gum madly by the end of the day (Chandler's new trick to keep him from smoking) and pissed off with a sore jaw. Not really looking forward to it. Oh, to get out in this humidity again.....BLEGH!

Also, how awesome is Morgan, one of my managers? Yesterday James and I had the car packed, ready to drive to Alabama, and went to fill the gas tank. James had money in his account when we last checked, but for some reason it was zeroed when we went to get gas. I had all of $2 to my name, and half tank of gas. I drove up to Javaology to see if Willis could pay me the babysitting money he owes me (and was intending to put on my next check), or to see if I could work last night and this morning, in hopes that I'd have enough tip money to get us home. I walked in and Morgan (whom I'd JUST seen) said, "Wow, that was fast." I asked him if Willis was around (he'd just left), and Morgan asked what had happened. I told him that James had had $40 in his bank account when we'd last checked, but when we'd went to get gas, his account was empty, and we didn't have any gas money. Before I could ask if I could work two shifts in a row, Morgan smiled and said, "Well why don't I just spot you $40, and you can pay me when you get back on Monday?" I was astounded that he would actually offer to do that (he's amaaaaaaaazing), and fought not to cry in front of him. He was super sweet, and I didn't even ask for the money. I love Morgan. I love Willis too. What wonderful managers I have. I KNOW if I'd ever had that sort of problem when I worked at Dakota Coffee Works that nobody would even try to help me unless I begged. Amazing. I stay in constant awe of how wonderful people can really be.

Have got to go. Hopefully will have time to write more soon.

aigre-douce at 9:48 a.m.

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