
Return of the Girliness!

Today is the return of Lauren's girliness, whee! I woke up this morning to Mom placing chocolate roses near my pillow on my bed. For years I've casually referred to the day after Christmas as Boxing Day, a la Australia, New Zealand, etc. Well, despite the fact we have no idea what it is, my family decided to celebrate it this year, and that was my mom's gesture towards it. Awww. Then I got up and wrapped my aunt's Christmas gift to send it to her --- sadly it seems we won't be able to make our after-Christmas trip to Mobile after all, thanks to Dad's schedule. Anyway, Audrey Hepburn movies have been on all morning (hmm, it's 2:19 p.m. now. . . ), and have awakened my hidden girly self. So, after showering, I put on my hot pink velour pants (sadly, they fit now in part to the 5 holiday pounds I've regained, pshhh) and started experimenting with my nails. I am now listening to No Doubt's Rock Steady album, which I haven't been able to stomach for months. . . until now. I'm so happy I'm girlie again! It probably will only last for the day, and I'll want to (try to) be all hardcore again tomorrow. Ha! I cannot pull off the tomboyish look, no matter how hard I try. It just doesn't work. I try, though. Puh. Ahh, back to the stars on my toenails. . .

aigre-douce at 2:17 p.m.

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