
best day

Man, today was such a good day. I took a shower and laid my junk out last night, so I was able to get up at 6:45ish and still be ready for school (coffee, hair, makeup, food, everything) by the time Kim picked me up (7:45). I went to the library (Monday my Western Civ2 professor told us to email him with some information, which I'd forgotten about until 11 last night) and finished my homework, where I ran into my philosophy teacher. I asked him about Romanticism not being in our text, and I think he was somewhat impressed that I knew what I was talking about. He said that if I was interested in it, he could cover some of it anyway in class and give me some stuff to read on it. I don't know if he meant the class as well, but I know I'm getting some great Romanticism material, so I'm happy. At the end of Western Civ, I spoke with my teacher and found out that he does live 3 houses down the street from me. He's such a nice guy. He said he remembered seeing me when I talked to his wife in the mall over the holidays (she was my homeroom teacher last year), and had thought I looked familiar when I came in Monday. After that Kim and I went to lunch at the gas station, where we were asked if we were sisters (it's a curse! Everyone asked if Shana and I were lovers or sisters when we hung out). Man, that Soda Station at the gas station has some super cute cups! Anyway, after that Kim and I made a journey to the health food store, which was quite nice. They've started carrying Burt's Bees, which is my all-time favorite beauty line, which is super nice b/c it's all natural. Anyway, after trying a dozen different testers of hand cream and the like, we moseyed on over to the teas. The lady that was working there was quite helpful, and I got a (lonnng) printout of the benefits of certain herbs, which I requested. So nice, so nice. Kim and I have decided to go clubbing (a first) this weekend, which is gonna be muchos fun. When we got back to school, I hung out in the newspaper office. Surprisingly, Simon (whom I thought hated me), the assistant editor, loved my ideas about music and harcore fashion, yay! Ricky and Jake and I talked about what we're gonna right on (so far I'm covering my friend's local band and then doing a thing on Thursday, as well as a "pros and cons of hardcore fashion" piece, or something to that affect. I'm so excited. Mom was supposed to pick me up, but I couldn't reach her, so supercute rockstar Ricky (who has a pretty pageant-winning girlfriend) offered to give me a ride home. He let me borrow the new Saves the Day, in preparation for my article, and made me listen to Bjork. What a guy. I'm now about to research for my articles, ciao!

aigre-douce at 2:01 p.m.

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