
College, coffeehouses, Christian Mission, and Kevin Spacey

Man, I've been so busy lately. I'm completely in love with school, it's so sad. Well, more funny than sad, since I'm such a big dork. I mean that in the most positive way possible, too. I just looove learning. I don't, however, love dwarf teachers with beaver mouths, mullets, and nasty beards who talk about wet sex ('the wet philosophy') and curse so much. Cursing doesn't usually bother me at all, but for some reason, it grates on my nerves with this teacher. Oh well, it's philosophy, which I'm all about, despite the fact that the book omitted the whole Romantic movement, so it seems. I haven't found it yet, anyway. I'm also not a huge fan of teachers that drag me out of bed so I'll be at class at 8 (man, can you say 5:30??!), start class at 7:58, and let out at 8:05. I really hope it just went down that way b/c it was the first day, and there's not much to say. On the bright side, I hung out with Jake (a guy who's on the paper with me, plus he's in my first class on Tuesdays and Thursdays).

Yaay, tomorrow's my second day of my Monday, Wednesday, and Friday classes (well, duh)! Which means I have Western Civ 2 with my neighbor (he's the teacher, ahahahaha; I found that out this evening)and Student Publications, which just means that Ricky, Jake, Justin and I will all show up and hang out, probably chatting about music. Yaaaay! I get to go to the financial aid office tomorrow about my FAFSA results, too. I'm really looking forward to that. If I do get a buncha cash, that means that I can be reimbursed for my tuition ($1,020) and use that for books. . . which I desperately need. Notebooks and that good stuff, too, I suppose.

Today Justin (who I think acts as the student editor for the school paper, which I'm on) told me that although another student (not on the paper staff, though) does a fashion article (which I hear is *really* bad), if I turn mine in first, mine will go in, yaaaay. I'm so happy about that. I'll get right on it!

Another great thing I forgot to mention (since I haven't updated in what feels like weeks) is Saturday I spoke to the coffeehouse manager, and he told me that the one where I live is opening in two weeks, so I'll start then. I'm so super happy about that, you just don't know. Man, I'm gonna be a coffehouse queen, yaaaay! Kim and I stopped by the site (where the new shop's gonna be), and the counters, floors, shelves, and windows are all in. All that basic stuff, yeah.

As for that mother of mine. . . She was horrendously ugly Sunday, then chilled out Monday, mostly. This morning, however, she was being super selfish again, and I told her so. I went off on her quite eloquently and honestly, and she just kind of gaped at me. This afternoon I got home and saw my sister's blankie and pillow on the couch, which hadn't been there before I went to school this morning, so I was a bit mystified. About 30 minutes later, she and Mom pull up (Leighton had to come home, b/c she was sick), and Mom has this bag that looks suspiciously like it came from Goodwill or the Christian Mission. I was a little perturbed by that, as I've been wanting to go for a really long time to check out vintage jackets. She tells me she has something for me, and pulls out this awesome black velveteen blazer/jacket that not only fits well, but looks great on. (She got it for $3 at the Christian Mission) I was so happy. My friend Allison was stranded in the area (she had a class that ended at 1:30, and her next one started at 4, but she lives too far away to just go home), so she came over. However, the house was filthy, but instead of going absolutely psycho on me (like she usually does), Mom was just like, "When I go pick up your dad, I need you to do the dishes, k? Thanks!" and left. We watched Pay It Forward, and man, was it good. Of course it had a little less than perfect ending, but I liked it anyway. I was glad that the kid had touched so many lives.

I decided that the character <3 <3 <3 Kevin Spacey <3 <3 <3 played (in Pay It Forward) is a lot like Elliott, minus the scars; his personality. And that's why I feel the way I do about him (Elliott). On a similar note, I was talking to AskEnder tonight on the bling, and upon hearing that I'd just watched that movie, he told me that last year he got to meet Kevin Spacey (wow, I can only hope, wish, pray, and dream!) and that he got his autograph. Apparently he was shooting a movie on campus. I now know that I need to attend Bryan's college, man!

aigre-douce at 6:49 p.m.

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