
just an everyday diary entry

Today's been great. . . Last night I went to lay my stuff out for school today, so I wouldn't be in quite the rush I normally am. . . Imagine my surprise when I could not find my one pair of jeans that fir me well ANYWHERE. I looked everywhere, retraced my steps, and even vividly remember standing at the foot of E's futon and rolling the jeans up and placing them in my bag. So where are they now? I definitely can't find them anywhere. I have come to the conclusion that I either somehow managed to leave them in Tuscaloosa or they fell out of my bag in E's mom's car. Either way, I am currently without jeans. Hopefully, though, they are in his mom's car and I'll get them back soon. I called his phone last night and left a message even. In the meantime, I had to wear dress pants today. They're cute, they just don't fit. Which is sad, as I got them right after New Years this year. It is amazing to me how I can't tell much looking at my naked body that I've lost so much weight, but I sure can clothed. I mean, I look much hotter (naked), but I don't feel like I've really lost as much as my clothes say I have. . . I should invest in some scales, perhaps. I'll weigh myself the first chance I get and update.

At any rate, I was only a little late this morning when Kim came to pick me up and got to class at 8:05. I walked in, Mr. Scott gave me the assignments for Thursday, and announced dismissal of class for today. Beautiful. I feel like such a slacker. The prodigal student. He doesn't care that I'm late, or even when I don't come (which has only been once, I think~ Thursday), but it still makes me feel (and I'm sure look) bad.

I was semi-happy that he let out so early; then I'd have time to do my philosophy homework which will be due in an hour. . . Turns out I have to have a discussion with two non-class members about various questions he has listed. This would be fine and dandy, had I not left it to the last second and now there's not anyone I know around to have this impromptu discussion with. Puh. And my professor (for philosophy, I love him) just came over and talked to me about the test last Thursday. Not my results, just about it being the first test in general. He told me that he may give us chances to raise our grades, but it won't be easy, etc, etc. I'm happy.

Well, on to find Simon, Justin, Kenny, whomever with whom to have this discussion so I can do my homework, puhhhh. Have a nice day.

aigre-douce at 8:21 a.m.

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