
You want me to slap the spit out of you, what?

I'm really tired of being the scapegoat for people's bad days, especially when I've offered to do anything I can to make it better. Sure, I think it's cool that you treat me like shit because you know I probably won't say anything, b/c I try to be the forgiving one. I think it's even cooler that you such things without the slightest provocation from me. But whatev, it's only Lauren, right?

So today I've been ignoring people left and right. Like, if someone comes up to me and says something, I'll talk, but not much. And I haven't been talking to guys at all. Except the ones who do keep it purely platonic, which I really appreciate. I mean, just b/c I'm friendly doesn't mean I'm flirting!!! Goodness gracious, I can't wait until people realize this! Of course I'm going to be nice, you're a fellow human being!! But don't misunderstand my intentions! And it's not like I hang all over people, b/c I definitely keep touching to a minimum. Gahh. I hate Enterprise people today. I'm trying to be nicer, though. . . Sigh.

aigre-douce at 4:45 p.m.

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