
Non-menthol cigarettes make me feel like I'm polluting my lungs.

I studied until three this morning, hit the sheets, then got up around 6:15 this morning. Aren't you proud? Hopefully all that studying paid off. I think I did well on the test. . . On the other hand, last time I thought I did well. . .and made a 77. Yeah, not so good. I have a huge headache. Desiree picked me up, and we went to go get my check. . . apparently Ron had not dropped them off yet, but they were supposed to be there soon. Fair enough. So we came back here, made cookies, and watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerers/Philosophers Stone. I kept falling asleep. I swear to God, that is one of THE longest movies ever. It's great, if you aren't sleepy, which I definitely was. I woke up to be served macaroni and cheese by her adorable and obnoxious little brother, then cashed out again. When I woke up, Desiree was asleep, too, so I felt better. The movie was ending, so we went back to the coffeshop to pick up my check. . . Four hours later, still no dice. What the hell. Also, apparently we're going to start having to wear uniform shirts, too. The problem? They're RED (red does not jive well at all with my red hair, funnily enough) and a shirt on me would be like a dress, no joke. It's ridiculous. Barrett said there weren't enough shirts, and they don't fit anybody, so hopefully I will not have to wear one. I hope.

On the way to "picking up my check", I touched up my makeup. . . and my skin is livid where it was waxed. It really makes me sad, b/c it was so clear and perfect, then Dee attacked me with the wax, and now those areas are sore, pink, and. . . . (drumroll) broken out. D A M M I T T! I'm so pissed. And of course it would be today, when I have my new haircut and see Elliott. . . blasphemy.

And my head and legs ache. Gah. Off to go fix myself and get some Tylenol.

YOU have a wonderful day, though.

aigre-douce at 2:40 p.m.

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