
Silly spring striped skirt day

Today's been a good day. Considering it's been very gay....And by that I mean that for some reason I keep trying to think of girls I can makeout with. Plus I found out that a guy friend of mine whom I've always had a slight crush on is gay, but in the closet. Which means not only can I not hook up with him should anything go wrong with Elliott, but I can't ever makeout with him. Damn, I always always always fall for the gay guys. My biggest fear is Elliott deciding he's gay. Because he's pretty gay, minus the actual orientation. I just like girly guys.

On another note, I am quite happy to report that my 13 year old brother and I can now wear each other's shoes. Which is goodgoodgood, b/c he has some cool ones.

And it's spring and I need some Elliott makeout. Like now. Gah, I miss my snuggle.

On the upside, this means that it's not my fault I've never been able to seduce above-mentioned friend. Hahahaha.

And I'm wearing the cutest skirt in the world to work, how bout that.

aigre-douce at 4:20 p.m.

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