
Don't wake me I plan on sleeping in

So makeout with Buck is a go. That was extremely easy. Odd...

I'm excited.

Today went to my last Western Civ 2 class ever (yipee). Gah, I am going to hate my life, studying for finals/tests.

Crystal's last day at work is Thursday, so she, Kennef, and Brandon/Steven and I hung out today. We went to Waffle House (watch your back, they will over charge you as much as possible....I lost $6) and ate in the area by the library. It was quite nice and quaint. Crystal got me a pack of Camel Jade Lights....hmmm. I don't think I'm a big fan. She and I went to the Boll Weevil Soap Company, this little homeade soap and body store near the coffeehouse, and I bought her some soap as a gift. It was nice and she really liked it. I bought a men's soap for myself (the smell = sex for me, I swear), but I have to let it dry for a few days before I can use it. She never lets her soaps dry out enough. Apparently though having sexy-smelling soap (despite the fact I haven't been in direct contact with these people, nor have I used the soap yet) gets you lots of male attention, who knew. Despite Elliott's moodiness, it's been one of the best nights ever. I feel like shit, but there's nothing I can do. I can't not do things for him now b/c it's not right. On the same hand, I don't want to do things that I think might hurt him. Especially when he acts enthusiastic about something,but then is really hurt deep down, I think. What do you do? I love Elliott. But I can't have my life at a standstill for him anymore. Other opportunities come up, I'm going to take them. I'm not going out of my way for these opportunities, they fall into my lap. Literally. I don't know what to do. There's nothing I can do. Elliott has to make up his mind and figure out what he wants. And I'm not waiting around for that.

As I was sleeping quite well before I got on to email E, then Ben, MattxCrash, and >Buck< im'd me and I ended up staying up and im'ing E, I'm going to bed now. If you want me, you know how to get my attention.

Love, Lauren

aigre-douce at 1:07 a.m.

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