
Everyone Says I <3 You

Oh dear lawdy. I've emailed that boy (no, not E) 11 or 12 times in the last week. They've all been short and he's emailed me too. And we have amazing conversations every time we speak, which is at least once a day. He wants to see me. He would be willing to make the drive. And somehow that does not turn me off. Refreshing change, I suppose. Wow wow wow. That's all I can say. I've met my match. He's challenging, but not too much that I lose interest. Hmm hmm hmm. Our everything is amazingly in sync. When E and I were at the diner the weekend after we broke up in October, we were talking, and he said, "If only _____ could find a girl like you." Well...he did. Sorta. Oh, the twists and turns that make life so interesting. And unlike a certain regoddamndiculous Jewish bitch (nothing against Jews, just bitches, plus I'm feeling obnoxious), I'm neither "falling in love" nor breaking "my baby"'s heart. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I've held my peace for several days on that subject, now you have it. I don't know, it's summer. I'm expected to live a little. And makeout a lot.

And hats off to a wonderful diarist who never fails to make me smile.

I've had a good night. I dolled myself up just because, and my friend Allison came over and we ran around town (or just the North Pointe Centre--coffeeshop and Dante's), ran into Blake Weeks, talked to Desiree, and I got looks from a very handsome Army guy. We bought cannolis and coffees and came back here, watched Entrapment, talked to the boy(not E....okay, whom I liked to refer to as Cassanova....ironic, right?....Yikes I'm in trouble.), talked to little boys that like to hit on me online, and watched my first Woody Allen movie ever, Everyone Says I Love You. Not a big fan of musicals, generally (or am I?), but I liked it all the same.

Three good days in a row, rich foods, sunburn-turned-tan, trip to Montgomery Thursday to see Chicago (again!), work tomorrow (tonight?) night with Barrett, might get a visit from Cassanova and I'm set. Plus my hair is very hotttt and rocksexy right now. Everyone I ran into gushed over it. Except for Barrett, of course. And I jumped out of the shower to call and tell him Galactic is playing nearby soon.

New goal: Lose weight to take underwear pictures.

Yeahhh, three weeks till my birthday. So excited.

Next Day Footnote: I find it incredibly odd that every time I put something in my 'Right Now I'm' side profile about wanting Dad not to be off that day or the next, he always gets called in. Definitely food for thought.

aigre-douce at 2:21 a.m.

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