
Should've gone fishing.

I'm tired and still feel bad. I'm sorry. It's definitely not something I would ever do again, even under different circumstances. Know that.

I got paid yesterday for my past two weeks of work----did not even break $100. I owed $30 of that to my dad, so then I have about $60...and graduation is this week, and I need to buy gifts for Desiree and maybe Jess. I was going to buy D Italian charms for her charm bracelet....they're $15 a pop. So that'll leave me with around $45 if I only buy one, then I still have other things I have to buy. I get tips Friday, but in the meantime, I have to get things I need/want and still make it through the week. AGGGGGGGGH. This is no good.

The only upsides to anything are that Suzie is in Alabama right now, so maybe she will come by (though I doubt it), and my mom has hidden bottles of Chai tea around my room, which makes me happy.

I am hated. And have joined the ranks of Renee, Annemarie, and Valerie, among others. Shit.

It wasn't even worth it at all. I'm glad that didn't go any further than it did.

And I feel fat. Isn't life wonderful.

The sad thing is, no matter what I do, and despite everything, things aren't going to change. If I apologize, I'll be hated. If I don't, I'll still be hated. Really. Hopefully this will all just blow over a la Dusty and Jenn. But I seriously doubt it.

I hate people.

aigre-douce at 10:41 a.m.

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