
Requiem should be showed in every sixth-grade class

The last few days have been a bit different, but definitely good. There's been the greatest conversations with a guy that's on the same page as me, Desiree's graduation, Waffle House, opening in the morning with Josie, a guy that has the coolest tattoos and a great smile, huge tips, and the removal of jerks from my life. And lots of outings with Allison, as well as watching of Requiem for a Dream. Wow. On top of that, that guy I used to date (Elliott) is coming down for the day tomorrow. THERE WILL BE NO SMOOCHING. KNOW THAT. But we are hanging out. All day, so plans Elliott. Haha. But I want to sleeeeeep innnnnn! I've worked mornings three days in a row, and closing Tuesday night, plus there have been lots of late night conversations....... I'm so tired. But those late-night convos have been so worth it. And I guess since I'll only see E once this summer so far, I might as well drag myself out of bed for it.

Tonight's plans:

Date with myself




Woke up with the lyric "If I could have sunlight in the palm of your hand, I'd take the moonlight instead."

Elliott is excited about us spending time together tomorrow...and for once, I don't care. I just want to talk to Cassanova. I've been listening to Modest Mouse this afternoon in hopes that it will somehow telekenetically urge him to call me...no such luck yet. Though if it was working, I would not know, as I am online right now. Doh.

Also. Today this guy came in the shop (quite cute) and I mentioned I wanted to go to New York sometime (he had a tee with an NY bookstore on it), and he said that if I bought my ticket, he had a friend that would give me a place to stay, as a favor to him. I thought that was pretty cool. And this afternoon I was invited to a party held by a guy I don't know well, but he's part of the Dothan crowd. Which made me feel more...accepted (?), and less of an outsider. B/c I've never given him my screename, but he im'd me, told me who he was, we chatted for a while, and he invited me. I had to decline, as I'd already made plans (I need my rest and some personal time), but it was still neat that he asked. Except for the part where I question his motives, of course. But that's because of last weekend's drama. Ahhhh. Okay, on to making coffee and the rest of my night. Have a wonderful weekend.

OHH. And yes, somehow I did manage to lose weight this past week. Don't know how that happened, but of course I'm glad it did. And my skin is back to normal, and my hair is nice and shiny (yeahhhhh). Now I just have to find some clothes for tomorrow.

One more thing: I find it interesting that Cassnova and Aaron, the guy who invited me to the party, slightly resemble each other. I think it's the lips. Either way.

aigre-douce at 4:05 p.m.

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