
give me that donkey butt...

Congratulations, you have now confused me greatly. And though I didn't think I was thinking about you tonight, apparently you were on my subconscious quite heavily. I went to call Chris's name at work tonight, and instead said, "Nicholas!" And immediately my eyes went wide and I slapped my hand over my mouth. It's okay, we can still talk. And I'm all up for bear hugs.

Good points of today:


-Got called "really cute" by jiggasam (whom I adore) to James, a.k.a. Mystery Date

-Cute outfit/hair/face day, despite the fact I went sans eyeliner (whoa dude)

-Got invited to pledge to a sorority when I go to UA (k, that was yesterday, but sillily enough still makes me smile, despite the fact that I'm usually anti-all that kinda stuff)

-Sean, Hunter, and Nathan came to see me tonight at work, after hours. Sean and Hunter are so cute and sooo sweet. I love getting flirted with.

-Got moneys

-Talked to Mystery Date (okay, no longer a mystery, duh, but I like the nickname) from 10 a.m - 2:30 p.m on the bling....whoawhoawhoa

-Suzie emailed me to tell me she got me an amazing shoerack from Bed, Bath, and Beyond for my birthday; sooo excited about that!

-Mikolas condones me and Mystery Date, ah ha

-Found out Barrett's a huge sweetheart.

Bad points of today:

-Got paid a lot less than was supposed to originally, b/c the owner is an asshole and refuses to pay us for time we spend closing up, cleaning. B/c if he's not making money then, we're not getting any. Plus "there's 30 minutes in the day that you just sit around and get paid for". Like it's our fault business is slow? Who's the one not wanting to advertise??? What's up? Apparently the only reason we'd been getting paid for that was b/c Barrett did it on the dl. Love that man, I do.

-Chris turned in an application to Chili's, so he won't have to drive the 45 minutes to/from work every day, since he doesn't get paid gas OR closing time money. I wept without tears (sobbed?).

-Got asked RATHER loudly by a customer "who gave [me] that bruise on [my] arm", in a roomful of customers. Hint: bruise from last Saturday night. If you don't remember, don't go hunting entries; it's gone now.


Tomorrow I get to meet James, hopefully. I'm very excited, and quite nervous. I think my favorite thing about him (not really, but it is good) is that he DOES NOT HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!! Ohh, I'm a big, big fan of that. Yeah, that's Lauren being spiteful/bitter. Get over it.

I have decided I need to wax my belly. I have peach fuzz, but that can't be good if I'm getting it pierced, right? I also need to tweeze my eyebrows tomorrow morning, moisturize, and use my mask....Gahhhhh. It couldn't hurt to do my toenails, either. I hear people with feet fetishes are funny about that kind of thing. Mine look great, it's just a week old and I'm not really wearing a lot of blood-red right now, you know? I'm thinking a more summery shade might be appropriate.

Am proud to say that if I keep this up, I should also be slightly skinnier by Tuesday. MY BIRTHDAY. I get obnoxious about birthdays, sorry.

Until evening, yesterday was the best day I'd had in a while. School makes me so happy for some reason. I'm such a nerd. Such a big fan of guys that I'm eyeing but that seem to be ignoring me flirting with me. Summer's so good for hookup. I'll keep it to a minimum this time, have no fear. Actually, James just seems like a super nice guy, one I would not like to fuck things up with.

I'm soo hungry, but nope, I'm not giving in. It's bedtime.

aigre-douce at 11:38 p.m.

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