
Smoking Dancers

:::::::::TOMORROW'S MY BIRTHDAY::::::::::::::::

With that said

I had a really good weekend. A very social weekend, if nothing else. That's for damn sure.

Friday night I worked, Saturday Shanabobana and I drove to Dothan to pick up her paycheck. Douches weren't there to pay her, but we had a lovely lunch at the Atlanta Bread Company (veggie sandwhich with avocado for me), and wedding cake shaved ices on the drive back to E'prise. Got to work ten minutes early (hooray for me!), and Shana, Chris, and I talked. I'm glad they think each other's cute (godammit). It's all good, the more that's merrier, the happier I am (?).

I was wearing my black It's All About Me tee that E picked out when we went shopping a while ago, and when I got to work, I spied Barrett's nametag, sitting on the desk.... And pinned it to my shirt so it read It's All About Barrett. It was so cute and made him smile. He deserves to smile. JULIE CAN GO TO HELL, but I love me some Barrett, hmwah.

Shana had wanted to go to a local concert at a club, so once I got cleared to go, I gave her a call.....and she was on the phone with our good friend Tony, from highschool. I jokingly whined that he hadn't come to see me since he's been back for the summer....and he was there within the hour. Yeeeouch, I'm that good. It was actually a lot of fun, me, Shana, Tony, and Chris hanging out at the shop (I almost said Kettle, as in Koffee.....yeah). We had fun cleaning up. Chris was supposed to hang out with us afterwards, but pleaded out on claims of fatigue (raincheck), so Tony drove me home so I could pick up my stuff, and Shana picked me up from there.

When I walked in my room, there was a small wrapped package on my pillow, with a note from my brother....apparently he thought I might be a fan of Swisher Sweets (cigars) and had given me a few. I love my brother.

Shana and I go to the club, and wait forever in line. We see our friends Tiffany and Valerie, and then Shana gets the bright idea to sweet-talk the bouncer into letting us in ahead of the line...totally worked. I love being a girl.

The show was eh, the dancing and seeing lots of people was super fun. Also, the guy from Carlisle's that had flirted with me was at the show....apparently the band's manager or something, which surprised me because that's what I had sumrised/guessed at the restaurant, from the way he was on the phone nonstop and the way he carried himself. Very cute. Looks a little like my dear friend Nick, only older, and shaven. And with short spiky hair, as opposed to long, sleek, jawbone-length hair.....wow.

Danced a lot, which was amusing as I was definitely not dressed for the club. I was very punked out, but it was cute. Apparently Chase thought so, because he was definitely digging dancing with me. Funfunfun. Chase is a sweet boy, and an aspiring rapper that's been signed to a label. I'm all about some music people, I swear.

Now here comes the big news:

I met James. Last night. Verrrrry cute and extremely cool, very scene. Tattoos, black spiky hair, lip piercing (omm), pirate belt buckle, etc, etc, the boy just can't lose. He's tremendously cute. I did not stop laughing all night. Things went a bit farther than I would have ever imagined, but.....it's okay? I don't know. He's coming to see me tonight, and I think I'm going to talk to him about just dating, but he really is a great guy. And totally rad. He's super nice, too. We had fun.

He picked me up after church, and we headed to WalMart, so he could pick up some Listerine (for rinsing his lip piercing). We finally decided on Chili's... where we both had these really cool vegetarian quasedillas that were super good. He's vegetarian, which means dining is lots of fun.

I will say that is THE most stressful date I've ever been on, but more about that later. It was also one of the most memorable.... Now it's time to go to Dothan to pick out jewelry for my piercings I'm getting tomorrow. Yeahhh.

Have a nice day and wish me LOTS of luck!


aigre-douce at 1:07 p.m.

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