
Waking Life

I just wrote about two-hours worth of thoughts. It was well written, thought-out, really made sense, and I was feeling so much better getting all of this off my chest. Then comes that damned window that asks if you still want to stay online, and because I have had so many windows pop up today already, I just clicked the first button I saw, without thinking. Button being No, and all of my work was lost. I fucking hate aol, and I'm really tired of not having time to write what I think when I think it so that the delivery is clear and precise. Instead, I am now going to have to wait a while to rethink and remember all of that. It was rather good, too, and helping me redraw the line between reality and surrealism, which I have had problems with as of lately. I guess it's like one of those dreams that's just really getting good, and you're coming to understand more...then you wake up. And upon trying to go back to sleep so you can continue that dream, you lose complete memory of all that happened. And another AOL window pops up. I hope the owner of AOL dies of spontaneous combustion, right this fucking minute.

aigre-douce at 1:15 p.m.

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