
White Shirt Appeal

I sleep in James's clothing because it smells like him. Mmmmmmmmmmm.

Tonight he suggested we get married in Nevada when we go in November for his friends' wedding. It would only be a legal marriage there, but we'd still be married, and no one else (that doesn't read my diary, anyway) would know. I could not stop smiling. "Girl, your smile could light up all of L.A. for days."

He's absolutely perfect for me, and I love him dearly. It's funny that things really do work out for the best. Definitely. Because I'm the happiest now (without being illusioned) than I think I've ever been. He's spectacular. I am the luckiest girl ever. I really could see myself with him for the rest of my life, without wanting to be with anyone else or unhappy in any other way. He's really that breathtaking.

Sap = me.

And I miss him a lot right now. I guess that's what happens when you spend almost all of your day with someone. He comes to my house, hangs out while I get ready, I go to class, come back to his house, we pass out, wake up, eat, watch movies/pass out again/have the most incredible sex ever/whatever, and hang out all day long (unless I have to go to work, and then he hangs out with me there, it being a coffeeshop), he drives me home, and we hang out some more. He really is my whole world, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

On that note, I am supposed to be writing my speech. Funny story: Went to the club Saturday night b/c a guy I know was supposed to perform (rapper). Get there, there's no sign of Chase (rapper), and end up hanging out for a few hours. I'm dancing against James, and out of the corner of my eye, I see this tall black guy staring me down. I ignore him, it being supremely disprectful to approach me when I'm with someone. (It being especially obvious I was with James, since we're the only punk-ish kids in there, in a room full of obviously 'club' people.) James gets me to look at the guy . . . And it was my speech teacher, Mr. Scott. He's a young guy, btw. I was so surprised to have run into him (not that I didn't know he went clubbing), I was just like, "Oh-my-God!" It was funny; I was a bit embarassed b/c I was majorly booty dancing, and here's Mr. Scott, who wouldn't care or anything (he did, after all, want to dance with me), it was just funny.

Speech, seriously. And by speech, I mean that really I will work on my template.

aigre-douce at 12:34 a.m.

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