
Ohhhhhh shitt

Today's been interesting...

For starters, I woke up HATING my life for having summer classes... Mom was all dressed up and about to take me to school when I asked, "Where are you guys going??" b/c the whole family was getting ready to go somewhere, obviously. Apparently they were all going to Dothan for the day. She was like, "What's wrong with you?" I was like, "Duh! I'm gonna be stuck in classes!!!" and slammed my stuff down. So we decided I just wouldn't go to class today, since I wouldn't have a ride back with them in Dothan, anyway. Yayyyyyy. And totally no fighting with Mom.

Mom's been supersweet today. To make up for her behavior yesterday, I guess. She even helped me with my makeup (James bought me a load of stuff last night....I will be taking him to an uber-nice restaurant or repaying him somehow).

So today's been the first day in FOREVER that I've had the house all to myself and do not have to rush off to school or work or anywhere. OH my god, peace and quiet, who would have thought it?? And I get to walk around in my jammies, too. I looove having the house to myself. Ahhhhhhhhh.

Wanna know what's made my day?


I emailed Elliott earlier today, just to see what's up. Haven't talked to him lately, and I do miss him, as a friend. I figured if he emailed me back, it wouldn't be anytime soon.... I got back online just to play around this afternoon (Leighton sent me this, and we've been making them, sending them back and forth.....Oh, how I love little kid stuff-> GO HERE . At any rate, I get back on, check my email, and have the following response:

Hey. Sorry I haven't called you, I've been crazy-sick with strep throat. In fact I have another doctor's appointment shortly, so I can't talk long. Just quick things, it turns out I will be back at UA next semester. Don't ask, long story. League was alright, but Pirates was much better. Seabiscuit was ok. Bad Boys 2 was pretty good. Anyway, I'll try to call you sometime in the next couple of days but I can't say when, I'm not sure what my work schedule is like. Anywho, I'll talk to you later. Elliott

Uhhhhhh. I suddenly feel very awkward.

aigre-douce at 1:28 p.m.

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