
rereading older entries....hmmmm...

Have been thinking, and am seriously confused. Am crazy in love with James, DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND. Yet at the same time, REALLY look forward to the concept of Elliott being back in Alabama. I feel guilty about this. Then feel guilty about feeling guilty, because is it not natural for me to be confused?? I mean, for the life of me, the only reason we broke up is because he lived too far away. So I moved on....and am now pretty much engaged to the most wonderful guy ever. But am still confused. Goddamit. I wish James would call before he goes to bed.

Good news! He'll be out of l'hospital soon. They said (they being the doctors) he can leave when he can er, hold down solids. . . And they just put him on solids!! Meaning my baby should be out tomorrow or the next day! Whoop! I'm excited. I miss him. Like nobody's business.

In the meantime, Miss Shana Leigh and I went out to Pizza Hut tonight and rented White Oleander. And got cotton candy and Raisinettes...for moral support.

NEW DASHBOARD TO BE RELEASED IN 8 DAYS!!! I'm very excited. Because I'm a poser. Dammit.

aigre-douce at 10:27 p.m.

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