

I've fucked up grandly this time. Oh, yes.

Interesting story --

I went to class Monday, got there late, and then left early on account of me tearing my toe open and needing bandaging. Couldn't get to classes Tuesday b/c I didn't have any transportation, and Tuesday night I was up all night in pain...apparently I had a rather moderate UTI....meaning LOTS of pain. Opened the shop Wednesday, and had to pee every 5 minutes (about a teaspoonful) and it hurt like hell to stand. So as soon as I got off work, instead of going to school, I promptly went home and to bed, and my dad got one of his friends to write some prescriptions for me, and he got those filled. Today was the same, I was still exhausted and my kidneys were still acting up. Didn't have a way to go to school, either. This afternoon James's brother, Michael, drove me to see him....While hugging James in the hospital, what I'd done in not going to my classes suddenly hit me. I MISSED MY FINALS.

I fucking hate my life. I am SUCH a fuckup. And a sick one, at that.

The only upside is that James should get out of the hospital tomorrow.

aigre-douce at 11:16 p.m.

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