
Woody Allen, the Return of the E, and more


Yesterday Allison and I searched all video places in Enterprise and then one in Ozark for Woody Allen day (which was yesterday, and will carry on to tomorrow, I suppose). GOOD GOD. Do you have any idea how much fun it's not to search for those things, then figure out which ones not only have you not seen, but the ones that are his best? And then try to find all those movies (Woody Allen movies are super ultra extra hard to find in this area, b/c they sell movies after so long) at ONE location, so that advantage can be taken of the "Rent three older movies, get two free!" deal that Movie Gallery has going on? I tell you, HELL. No fun at all. Add a huge headache, hunger, and a short attention span to that, and you have the fun that was last night. I'll admit, I did enjoy the movies. I mean, that was the point, right? Buuuuuuttttttttt JAMES GOT OUT OF THE HOSPITAL, so of course I'd rather visit with him, you know? He watched the movies with us, though. I think he might've enjoyed it more than I did. In a word, yesterday was Frustration.

Something else (besides me getting fired yesterday for absolutely nothing, I mean) that's interesting? Yesterday I got online to go to some website that Allison told me about and to save it to my favorites so I could look at it later. Lo and behold, Elliott was online with his away message....meaning he's back at UA already. I can't decide whether my favorite part of this story is the part where he told me he would call me the weekend before he went up, and never got in touch with me, or the part where he still hasn't responded to my email. Hmmm. There are several good things, though.

1. James is back (God, I missed him soooo much)

2. There will be none of this waiting around for Elliott to decide to get in touch with me or me reading too much into his away messages this year.

a. Because I'm no longer dating him

b. I just don't care anymore

I really don't care anymore. I'm very proud of that. I mean, as a friend, ehhhhhh, but not so much, you know? I'm proud.

This morning I noticed my mom not only put a (pamphlet?) about being a representative for Avon's new line , but also stuck a nice bright pink sticky note on my door entailing chores for today. Oh boy, I'm excited.

Hey, I get to see my James. That's all that matters.

Ooh, and another great rather excellent thing - Dad seems to have left for the day. Whooooo, what's up, me, empty house!!

Have a grrrrrrreat day.

aigre-douce at 9:15 a.m.

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