
Saturday night

It's amazing!!

I was sitting on the bed, nuzzling James's cheek when all of a sudden I hear the opening chords to a Modest Mouse song. At first I kind of sat there, bewildered. Modest Mouse?? I then spun around to see it being used on the Nissan Minivan ad. Jaw totally dropped. That's fucking ridiculous. Modest Mouse? On a car ad?? What????

Queer Eye For A Straight Guy = my new favorite show. Whooooooooo.

This evening's been wonderful. James came over this afternoon and it was really nice, because I had the house to myself. After getting the windshield wipers changed (Alabama is pondering flooding, hurricane-style), we went to Dothan and had an amazing meal at Mangiamo's Italiano. Breadsticks, the best salad I've ever had, wine samples, artichoke appetizer, and shrimp and scallops fettcini alfredo (for me; for James, baked spaghetti). It was a seriously romantic dinner, especially since it hadn't been planned, it was just kind of spontaneous. Oooohh, I lurve my boyfriend.

Today is Tony's birthday, I called but could not get him, so I left a message. Elliott im'd me today, which was nice. I would so never date him again. I'm glad our friendship is back, though. Mos def. Talked to Shana today, too. It's nice to have friends sometimes.

My boyfriend has a tattoo related to Clockwork Orange. Gahhhhh! Scary.

Have a nice night and a fabulous Sunday.

aigre-douce at 2:02 a.m.

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