
cape fear

Okay, I deleted my ultra-angry entry from earlier this morning.

I started to smoke to relieve some steam, and as soon as I was going to, Mom called. She was having a problem and was thinking about dropping by the house. Not feeling up to any more drama today, I just gave in to my brownie craving instead, consequently messing up my diet for the day. Unshakable proof that smoking cigarettes helps one lose weight.

I watched Cape Fear for the first time ever. Oh good gosh. Juliette (Lewis?) was terrific, though. Robert DeNiro is a favorite actor of mine....kinda creepy.

Sigh. There is nothing else to do but clean the bathrooms after all. Dammit.

James had an appointment at 9:30 to see what's up with his kidneys. I'm waiting for him to call me with the results of that.

Sigh. On to running around in the house in skivvies and a tee, and cleaning the bathrooms to the funky sounds of the Neptunes' new album.

aigre-douce at 11:56 a.m.

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