
i do

I have never been so emotionally involved in a movie before, nor have I ever cried so hard. Simon Birch comes close, though. Dear God. Life is Beautiful will be a very significant turning point in my life, I do believe. Years from now, our kids will ask when I was absolutely certain I wanted to spend the rest of my life with James, and I will say when I saw Life is Beautiful. Not to ruin it, but it's set in facist Italy during WW2, and the main character is this absolutey charming man who also happens to be Jewish. One day, on his son's birthday, his wife (who's not Jewish) is out and while she's gone, Nazis bust in and take the father and son and board them on a cattle train. The wife comes home, realizes what has happened, and races to the station before they leave. As she is not Jewish, she has no business on the train, but she demands to be let on. She would rather take a chance at a concentration camp than be separated from the love of her life. I bawled. That's love. I thought about it though, and realized I would do the same thing, if it were me and James. Seriously. James really is the light of my life, and never ceases to make me unbelievably happy. Sure, I've been in love before, but never like this. This time the person I love loves me back, unconditionally, and it completely blows my mind. I've never had anyone treat me the way James does, and I really never thought someone would, and me still love them. Generally speaking, I get disinterested when guys get sappy. But not with James. He never ceases to make my day. I couldn't be without him, really. He's renewed my faith in everything; men, love, humanity in general (hello, the Allison/gossip ordeal??!!!!), and even God, to a great degree. I've decided not to run off to UA (yes, college is a go, still, don't worry) because I want to be near him while he's being treated for his disease, etc. I really can't bear not being with him 24/7, and thankfully, he's the same, if not more so. Yesterday he stayed at his house, so we didn't see each other, but talked on the phone a lot. Today he came by, and one would have thought I'd moved out of the country as tightly as he held me. I want to be with James. Period. I don't think I'll ever get tired of being by his side all day, everyday. I guess now I know. Wow.

aigre-douce at 12:29 a.m.

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