
bham appts and dothan shows

I got to see Desiree this weekend!!! Woohoo!!!

She came and picked me up Saturday morning, and we ran around all day seeing people. We exchanged gifts; she gave me a french whisk!! a lot . There's so much to say about her trip, but I'll summarize. There were countless trips to Po Folks (where she used to work, and where her boyfriend and some friends work), pedicures, arrest warrants (no, really),being stood up by several people (Veronica, I hope your tires are sturdy), the watching of a really disturbing movie, frozen margaritas, and lots of back roads. And country! (music)

Desiree spent the night Saturday, then got up to go to her church Sunday morning, with Mrs. Stephenson (our ex journalism teacher whom I'm NOT a fan of by any stretch of the imagination, but Desiree loves her). I have to go to church anyway, so I just went with her, since I don't get the chance to go to Church of Christ churches often. We get to Mrs. Stephenson's house...and she answers the door in her robe, still half-asleep. Instead of calling Desiree like she said she would, she stayed out late Saturday night, didn't call, but had made up her mind not to go to church. Whatev. Desiree's in town every weekend, right? It's cool to blow her off. Desiree was so sad that she wasn't going to be able to go (she'd always gone with Mrs. Stephenson, so she didn't know how to get there), and super hurt, that I suggested we just find the place ourselves (haha, funny! The church is in Wicksburg, which is a good 40 minutes away, and is a super-small backwoods town). We drove around forever looking for the place, and couldn't. What made it worthwhile (interestingly) is that Desiree was listening to country, and I found a new favorite song ("It's always 5:00 somewhere"-?- by Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffet). I'm also a fan of "Drinking Bone" or something. It's funny. I'm a big fan. We finally gave up and went to Krispy Kreme for breakfast, which was quite nice. I'm always a fan of sugar highs.

The rest of the day she (we?) caught up on seeing people, etc. I was sad to see her go, but it's all good, b/c she's coming home in December, whoop!

Tonight James and I are supposed to go to a show in Dothan, and a party afterwards. The thing is that people that were involved in this summer's drama will be there. And to be perfectly honest, I'm really nervous about the whole thing. I'll see Kim, whom I haven't seen in forever and who keeps blowing me off (it's interesting how much things can change in such a short time). I know I'll see Buck and Aaron (who don't make me nervous), but I dont' know how Jenn is towards me, etc. I'll have fun b/c I'll be with MightyMegaMan James, whom I love, and who doesn't take shit from anyone. Plus, I don't know what to wear! Haha.

I'm having issues lately. Whenever James gets grumpy, it always makes me think he doesn't want to be with me. Also, all these Bham girls have crushes (or something) on him, and he has to go to Bham for four days (long story) for a doctor's appointment he has. I'm not going to be there. And I trust James, but because of things that have happened in the past w/other guys I've dated, I'm a little uncomfortable with the whole situation. It's not that I don't trust him, I REALLY don't trust practically anyone in Birmingham. (Allywhore lives there, for starters). I don't trust the guys, either. You know how you can be dating someone, and you feel either more or less comfortable when you're not around b/c of the friends they have? For instance, if your boyfriend has friends that have a lot of morals, etc, then you don't worry when you're not around, b/c you know they won't suggest that your boyfriend do stupid stuff ("Damn that gir's hot! Go talk to her, Lauren won't know!", etc.) I wonder if I'm legally paranoid. I hate this feeling. I have it for good reason, if you don't count the fact that James is really devoted, hasn't ever cheated on anyone, and wouldn't. Guh. And although I've been invited, not only would my parents not allow me to go with him, but then I'd have to see a lot of people I don't like. It's a lose-lose situation, the only thing I can do is trust James. I think if I had a therapist, there would never be posts like these, and I would just relax. I guess it's like the way James is about girls he's dating smoking up with other guys, etc. I'm like that when guys I'm dating go out of town and stay in a college environment with people I don't trust. Ugh, I'll stop. It's really not fair to James to be like this. He hasn't done wrong, it's just that whole past-experiences thing. That's fucked me over a million times. Sigh.

It's 1:00 in the afternoon and I haven't eaten all day. I'm out.

aigre-douce at 12:10 p.m.

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