

I had possibly the best Halloween ever this year. James was able to borrow his dad's truck (which I secretly adore riding in) to come pick me up this morning. We spent the whole day playing, watching scary movies, chasing each other, and "making out". We even ordered pizza and were ready for trick-or-treaters, but none ever showed up. Apparently Ozark celebrated Halloween Thursday night? Weird. I did, however, watch The Ring without getting scared (practice makes perfect, I suppose). Somehow I don't think I ever really realized that the ranch owner hit homegirl upside the face in the movie till tonight. The only part I even shrieked at was where the woman's coming out of the ranch owner's bathroom, and her boyfriend-person is in the hallway, because I hadn't expected it. Nothing else bothered me. Wahoo! I did, however, refuse to watch any of the Mike Meyer Halloween movies, simply because I do have a very active imagination (you could even say overreactive), and get creeped out easily around the house already. The last thing I need is to have Mike Meyer lurking around the corners of my house, you know? I did, however, watch Psycho, or most of it. Which does't seem like a feat for most, but as my mom's absolutely terrified of it (and I wasn't, at all), I'm proud. Basically my Halloween was similar to what most people (that stay in) experience every Halloween, only it's never like this for me. I'm always depressed around Halloween (thank you James, for breaking that), and usually A)spend it alone, doing nothing (our family doesn't give out candy; Halloween's the devil's holiday, duh), or B)help out at church doing Hallelujah Night for kids whose parents have the same mindsets as mine. Yeah. What fun. So I'm very triumphant that this year (though no candy was involved, save Dubble Bubble Bubblegum) I actually had a nice Halloween. Next year's will be even better. :) :) :)

aigre-douce at 1:54 a.m.

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