
I am the queen of embarassment, after all

Short, funny story: While I was cleaning I was listening to Outkast, and was inspired by 'Spread' (on The Love Below) to call James. He answered, and I said, "I just wanted to take time out from cleaning to call you and encourage you to get better so we can have sex soon." James was like, "Oh really?", then asked about my cleaning. Then he was like, "Yeah, I was in my room next to the computer when you called, and my dad was right next to me, and definitely heard what you said when I answered." I was ten kinds of embarassed and turned all sorts of shades of red before settling on an unflattering shade of pink. He said his dad just laughed when he heard that, didn't comment or anything. His dad's pretty cool. But I am sooo embarassed.

Damn, I just remembered I still have to clean the computer table. It's glass, and that means moving e v e r y t h i n g. Gahhhh. Back to the cellar.

aigre-douce at 1:17 p.m.

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