
Keep on pissing me off like a weak kidney, and you will find your family reading your obituary.

Agggghhhh I am deliriously tired. I really can't stand up straight just yet. I am didididizzzzzzzy. I haven't been able to sleep lately (surprising considering how much physical exertion I've done, thanks to cleaning so much). Time Lauren finally got to sleep Wednesday night: 5 AM. Time Dianne a.k.a. Slavedriver woke Lauren up, screaming frantically about their still being stuff that needs to be done before everyone gets here: 6 AM. That's right, exactly one interrupted hour of sleep. I have her a serious go- to-hell-and-do-it-now look, rolled over, and went back to sleep. See, I had already set my alarm for 9:30 so I could get some sleep for once, but still have time to get everything done. I've been busting my ass off to get this shit hole nice, clean, and gleaming (not her; she's just been stressing everyone the fuck out and has cleaned Leighton's room out and put all her stuff she never puts up into garbage bags), never taking a break except to eat dinner, and she wakes me up super early to clean what's left? She is going to Hell, there are no two ways about it. I happen to know exactly what's left to do, but Mom left me a list (taped to my newly polished cabinets, augggh!!!!) of stuff anyway, TO INCLUDE CLEANING OUT THE FRIDGE. Because, you know, that was on my agenda (no), and is such a small task at that. ONLY NOT. And she still has yet to buy a mop for me to use, so that's right, I get to get on my hands and knees a la Cinderella and scrub the floors. Man. If I had all those birds and mice under my control, I would have the birds poke her eyes out and the mice eat her alive. Not for real, though. I'd rather strangle her myself. But that would mean getting my clean house dirty, hmm. What really pisses me off is the fact that I'm trying like hell to have this place as perfect if not more than it can possibly be, yet does anyone else pick up their shit around the house or at least try to keep it clean? Ooooof course not. I am a very angry girl right now. And what's more is all this insomnia has made my stomach sick and my face break out. Yeah, just what I wanted when I haven't seen my family in forever, and I'll prolly see James today for the first time in almost a week. Guh.

aigre-douce at 10:08 a.m.

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