
Black Friday, Rings, and Window Shopping for Home Accessories

Amusing tidbit: I was sitting at the table, reading Dancing in My Nuddy Pants after lunch, when I heard a rather unusual, though familiar sound: the crrreaaaakkk of someone appearing on my buddy list. Unusual because I thougth I had signed off. Apparently not. So since I am still online, I thought I would update.

Black Friday shopping was quite successful. I made off with sex kitten boots, two hot tops, jewelry, a skull ring for James for our anniversary (which he loved), and gifts. Also, I got to see Taco, who cajoled me into buying cute star shoelaces, and Shana, which was quite nice. I broke down and got a frozen cappucinno with caramel @ Dakota's in the mall. It's the only Dakota I will go to, because Ron always goes wayyy out of his way to be super sweet. Mom says he's nice (even though I got fired) because he genuinely likes me, and keeps his personal feelings out of business. I suppose so. I still feel funny about going to the Dakota near Bruno's, mostly because I'm one of the reasons there is a large sign that says Customers Are Not Allowed Behind Counter. Ahem *blushes*. Hey, that wasn't my fault, but oh well. And hell will freeze over (or there will be a more competent manager and Julie will be gone) before I set foot into the Enterprise Dakota. So there. Don't even ask. I'll go to the one in the mall, that is all. Oh, that rhymed. Goodness, reading these books makes me silly.

Between shopping, we (being my parents, my younger brother and my little sister) went to Cracker Barrell for brunch. It was quite fun, and I got tiny gifts for everyone present. I have sweet siblings, what can I say. And my dad was being extremely sweet. He's the one who bought the clothes, the boots, and some of the jewelry. All for Christmas, of course, but still. Quite unlike him. At any rate, as we were leaving, my siblings came running towards Mom and me, intending on riding back to the mall with us. Cracker Barrell was pretty packed, and Mom told the kids to ride back with Dad, since they rode to the restaurant with him, and he would be confused and think they were lost. So we get back to the mall, and suddenly it's just me and the parents. Nobody knew where Cam and Leighton were....apparently Dad had thought they had come back with us, and left without them, leaving them at Cracker Barrell. It was a laugh.

I went to buy David Sedaris's Christmas on Ice, but could find it nowhere. Am very unhappy about that.

Saturday the whole family (plus Chandler, minus me) went back shopping, while I stayed home, working on Soul Caliber 2 Weapons Master. Oh, I am good. I had asked Mom to pick me up some fishnets and boot socks. She called and asked what size I would need in a peacoat (which I have yet to see, so perhaps she didn't buy one, anyway). I'm confused. There's a really cute coat (much like Audrey Hepburn's in Breakfast at Tiffany's, last scene) at Old Navy that I want to get, but it was a bit thin....I don't know. At any rate, I was given the boot socks, but have yet to receive the fishnets, or a coat of any sort. Hmph. It is cold, all I have is my velvet blazer. No good. I'm giving Mom that horrible fluorescent down-filled green affair. I need a grown up coat. I don't know how I am supposed to turn into Audrey Hepburn without the proper attire, really! Hahahaha.

Last night James came to church with me, which was quite nice. What was nice was that he volunteered to go, since he knows how much I hate church, and how happy it makes me when he comes with me. Afterwards we had dinner at Applebees (yech, they messed everything up). When we got in the car, I gave him this skull ring I bought him (our 6 month anniversary is today!).... He loved it. I wasn't sure how much he would like it, but apparently he REALLY liked it. I'm happy. We went to Walmart to get some Aveeno and to see his mom, and ended up picking out things for our apartment; coffee makers, linens, shower curtains, etc, etc. It was all window shopping, but it was still a lot of fun. We like pretty much the same things in decor, etc, which is good. It was fun. I'm a big fan of playing house, haha.

We hung out at his house and took a nap wrapped up in each other. We both fell asleep immediately. I can't wait till we can fall asleep in each other's arms every night.

Did I mention we also looked at rings last night??

Well, I'm off to enjoy the rest of my leisure time before Mom gets home. Our washing machine broke down in June, and we have had to go to the laundromat to do laundry, which is quite annoying. I mean, when James and I go to do our laundry together at the Washerette on post, that's quite another story. But when it's the family laundry, it's quite an annoyance. At any rate, we just bought a new (quite nice and pretty) washer, which was delivered yesterday, so if all goes well, I'll be doing laundry all evening long. Hurrah for clean clothes!!

aigre-douce at 2:07 p.m.

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