

I'm angry. My dad worked Thanksgiving so he could have Christmas off . . . Now some bitch he works with up and decided she wasn't going to work on Christmas as scheduled, so now Dad has to work on Christmas to cover her shift. I got up this morning (to my mom screaming at the other kids to get their rooms cleaned, peppered with lots of expletives) and found all this out, and then had to rush all day to clean and cook for tomorrow. I don't have gifts wrapped as of right now. Nor do I feel like getting up and doing it. Dad was going to take Misty's gift to the post office for me, and then demanded (at the last second) that I had to go with him. I was definitely not ready to go anywhere, not having showered, having no makeup on, and being dirty from cooking and cleaning. So I'm making Mom take me tomorrow. Fuck not having a car, I say. So yeah, that's been my day. On the upside, while I was doing the laundry, Kenny came over. He stayed all day, helped cook, cheered me up, etc. He even had Christmas Eve dinner with us tonight, which was stuffed oysters and barbecued shrimp. The shrimp was awesome; I spit the oysters out.

As for the boy...James and I are together, we just agreed to see each other less and spend more time with friends for awhile, giving each other a break. And we'll talk less, too. (This is Lauren putting her guard back up) For newer readers, I have a strong phobia/dislike of getting hurt.

I really don't feel like wrapping gifts. On a scale of this feeling anything remotely related to Christmas: Zero. Minus all the stress, of course. I can't wait to get far, far away from my parents. Hopefully that will happen sooner rather than later. What's really weird? Not only are we having Christmas a day early, but my brother is spending the night at Kenny's, which I find disturbing. It's the night before 'Christmas', you don't do that! Christmas has always been a day for family with us, which is why it bothers me, I guess. But Chandler's spending the night at Kenny's, and tomorrow I will see Shana, James, and perhaps Nichol. And Christmas day, Allison and I will probably go see Cold Mountain together. I don't think I've ever been to a movie on Christmas. Everything is weird right now. It even beats out last year in the weird department, which is impressive.

aigre-douce at 10:37 p.m.

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