
Fever to Tell

Today was exhausting. I got up at 9:30 to get ready to watch Sierra. I asked Mom and Dad to make me coffee, and both said no. Then Mom and I got in a big fight, and afterwards she proceeded to give me instructions on how she wanted me to clean the bathroom. I was like, "Why would I start scrubbing the floor when she will be over here in the next five minutes?" Mom blanched, and asked who 'she' was. Apparently she'd forgotten about me babysitting this morning. I was like, "Uh, yeah, why else would I be up this early and be asking you to make me coffee?" She felt stupid. Sure enough, a few minutes later Savannah (eccch) brought Sierra (awww) over. I spent the next six hours trying to keep Sierra occupied; she refuses to hold interest in anything much more than three minutes, the maximum was ten. Her favorite thing to do was to terrorize the kittens. She'd scream "Ki--ey, ki--ey!" and grab for them, so of course they hated me for the rest of the day (b/c I was with her), and avoided her like the plague. By 12:00, I was exhausted, and eventually got Sierra down for a nap around 3:00, then her mom came at 4. What fun. Not for real, though. I mean, I love Sierra, but not when she's cranky and tells me "NO!" all the time. She was a bad girl today, and Leighton, thinking she was the babysitter (since she plays with Sierra at church), had to butt in every five seconds or so, despite that she was supposed to be doing other things, like chores. Augh. I thought that was bad? I'll have her from 8:45 in the morning until probably 11:00 tomorrow night. The fun has only begun.

My Yeah Yeah Yeahs cd came in today, which perked me up somewhat. It's much better than I had expected it to be, which surprised my socks right off. And it's sooo good. I thought these 'Man' lyrics were quite fitting:

I got a man who makes me wanna kill

I got a man who makes the devil pale

I got a man who makes me wanna kill

I got a man who makes me wanna kill Yeah

Yeah yeah yeah I do. In an empowering kind of way, I suppose. I've always been pretty angry and violent, but then I've dated really soft, shy guys who aren't into violence (unless it's them getting mad at their family or something) and don't fight. So I've usually hidden that side of me, unless I was around people I knew that would understand. And now I have a mafia-like boyfriend, and it's outstanding. One of the first times we chatted online, I told him about my dad, and James asked, "Do I need to come over and bring my good friend Louis?" Which instantly made me melt, because in Suicide Kings (a movie about the kidnapping of a mafia don), Denis Leary plays a really tough guy, and upon finding out that a girl he knows is being beaten (among other things) by her stepfather, he just beats the stepfather senseless with a Louisville Slugger. It's amazing. At any rate, silly as it sounds, James had my attention from then on. And yes, he knew that movie, which is even better. I have a (smart, sweet) tough guy boyfriend, and I love it.

So there's this girl named Allison (not Cole) I don't like at all. To make a long story short, she likes to flirt with other people's boyfriends, cheat on her own, and then uses the guy she's now seeing. Oh, and she's incredibly fake (which is sad, because I liked her at first). She's seeing James's best friend. James liked her okay at first, but now sees who she really is, and doesn't like her at all. So right after he makes this publicly known (ah, more LJ drama), she decides to . . . buddy up with me? She and James used to be friends before she turned into the person she is now, and I suppose she thinks that being nice to me will make James like her again? Umm....hrm. It just so happens that a good friend of mine hates Allison. So, bitchy as it is, we may make plans with Allison to hang out, get her really drunk, then embarass the fool out of her (not anything that will physically harm her, mind you). I like this idea, actually, but the nicer part of me is preferring just to daydream and not actually act on it. It's so much fun to have equally sassy and slightly bitchy friends. I will say, the girl definitely deserves it. I just usually like to be mean to people's (sober) faces when I don't like them, that's all.

Damn my internet addiction. I should be in bed asleep or playing I-Ninja, but what am I doing? Updating. Ah well, I can't help it. The other day I read about video-blogging, which may be a thing in the future. The technology of video phones (or a webcam, maybe?) with the innovation of 'blogging'. Personally, it sounds like a nightmare, or something just really scene narcissistic people would use. Sounds like Blogster or something. Yikes. I don't really think people that right to get their personal feelings and thoughts out in the open would really use it, though. Unless they were the over-dramatic, super tragic type. 'Oh, look at me, I'm so sad and poetic.' Yuck.

On another, completely unrelated note, tonight my sister and I were poring over an old yearbook of hers. I found pictures of my junior boyfriend Desiree's brother and Elliott's little brother, Taylor, whom I miss teasing (but I still have his Converse, muhahaha). I also saw a picture of this really cute boy that's about 14 now, who I would probably have had a crush on if I was that age. He was obviously the outsider, and had long dark hair, tan skin, and gorgeous eyes. I pointed him out to Leighton, who immediately blushed and started stuttering. Ah ha! Apparently that's the picture of a guy she dated off and on for a while, who is now a kid drug dealer or something. It's funny, because all the times I answered the phone when he called, I always imagined him to be this small blond preppy kid because of his voice. Instead, it's a kid I would have had a huge crush on (actually looks like a younger version of James, minus the asian bit) had I been that age. Which is particularly amusing because I think Leighton and I are so different (she's preppy, popular), and a lot of times it turns out we're not. It's a shame he's a druggie, though. Enterprise is so boring that a ton of kids are like that, though. Sure, it's quiet and peaceful....but there's not much to do. My kids will be raised in a much different area, I swear. If I have any, that is.

Alright, enough rambling. Off to bed I-Ninja.

aigre-douce at 11:53 p.m.

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