
Boy, you're just a stupid bitch and girl, you're just a no-good dick!

I've had a meh week. I've been sick, got paid diddlysquat for babysitting a two year old all weekend long, and have had done next to nothing thanks to being fatigued. Other than that, it's been great. I've slept a lot, and things with James have gone pretty nicely this past month. My hair's long enough to actually do things with it, and two books by my favorite author ever came out this week . . . I foresee a trip to Montgomery in my very near future. I'm freezing cold right now. Also, in the past 24 hours, I have become closer with my brother Chandler (gasp!!) and fought with my little sister (who greatly deserved it). And pissed off my best friend (not part of 'the rest has been great' part, obviously). And made Sanrio-looking cookies (and Tuesday night I made taffy!). I haven't touched my cats in a few days since they get sick so easily, but tonight I could take it no more and cuddled and kissed them. They're so much better behaved now, and Alexandra (who formerly hated me) is in love with me. And James just called to say that unless something really bad happens in the meantime, he's coming to see me tomorrow. Whoo! Also, you can blame the Yeah Yeah Yeahs for that subject line. Karen O refuses to budge from my head. Night!

aigre-douce at 11:18 p.m.

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