
'What to wear' musings

I'm very antsy. I can't decide on what to wear today, which really shouldn't be that big of a deal, but has made itself into one. I had originally planned on wearing my Oukast-inspired green tops and jeans, but it just doesn't look right today. Today is undeniably a black day, I think. One of my black star earrings is broken, so I have to wear my big mod hoops instead (for some reason, no other earrings are 'working' today), and my jeans, then that leaves a shirt. I want to be comfortable and don't want to wear something I'm going to want to wear later this week, so that outs my 3/4 black ribbed top, as well as the white and black striped top. So, keeping being comfortable and not rewearing a top in mind, that leaves me with two plain, black tops. Both of which beg for necklaces, which is no good because I have to wear my mod hoops, and you really can't wear a necklace with those earrings. I could always break down and wear one of my striped mod tees, but I wore those a lot the last time I was in Mobile, plus I'm not in a strapless bra kind of mood. Right now I'm wearing my black Gap tee with my jeans, and my black beaded cuff (it has to have something, and that something needs to be in proportion with the earrings). I wanted to wear my black and white JESUS IS MY HOMEBOY hat with the pink lettering, but today it looks more dorky than ironic. Puh. It's just one of those days, I guess. Michelle called me an hour ago to tell me she was in Pensacola, and had gotten off to a later start than she had planned. She also said that there's a party 'we' are going to, and that 'we should be home by four'. I wonder if the 'we' is her family plus me, or if that's just her and Cliff, and if she means that she and I will be at her house by four this afternoon, or if she and Cliff will be home by four in the morning. I'm very spaced out today, obviously. Hopefully we can stop by my new favorite coffee corporation, PJ's on the way to her house, since there's one down the road from her. She'll probably offer to make me coffee at her house, but then I'll have to point out that it's the iced coffee I want, and that PJs uses a cold-brewing technique, and that I must have it. Whoa, rambling! I'm sure I'll update once again before I leave. It's cool. Oh mannn I'm hungry, but I already had breakfast. I wonder where we'll go for lunch...

aigre-douce at 11:12 a.m.

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