
Political correctness and capitilazation

I'm so happy this template is working now. I emailed Lex, the template designer about it this afternoon, and when I got home this evening, low and behold, I had a response from her in my inbox! That's pretty impressive. And now it's working so nicely, so I'm very happy about that.

Today I was productive, which is always a nice feeling. I cleaned the shower and cleaned up the kitchen some. I also took time to do my feet (since James has a fetish with my feet), and to actually *gasp* paint my toenails (they're currently a nice baby blue). Also, I (obviously) installed a nice, new template, which I am very proud of. I loved this movie, and I think it's very fitting.

I was feeing stressed, so I watched Fight Club while waiting on James to come over. It's such a good movie, and one I haven't seen in a lonnng time. I love Tyler Durden, what can I say. The more I think about it, the more Haley Joel Osmont resembles a much younger Edward Norton. Edward Norton in Fight Club has a lot of the boy's facial expressions, anyway. Good lord, did you ever realize that that boy's first name is Haley? No wonder the Joel is thrown in the middle.

James and I went to his house and had some super intense sex. All hail french ticklers! Ahem, did I say that? Good lord, it was incredible.

My friend Elly has a problem with 'editing' herself. I think I have the same problem myself. Though I do wonder if that's something I should really make a priority. After all, I do write this for me. I keep in mind who reads it, but still, does that mean that I should edit myself, or just be me? Just a question.

After "making out", we watched The Debut, which is a movie about Phillipinos, starring the boy who played <3 Rufio <3 in Hook. It was really good. I've decided I should become Phillipino, so I can have super cool birthday parties and the like, hehe.

In the movie, this (white) guy corrects a Phillipino man about saying 'Oriental' in reference to people. The white guy was like, "The term 'Oriental' is no longer acceptable, people now use the word 'Asian' to be less offensive." I thought it was funny, because friends and I have had conversations on this very thing lately. Really, Asian is more politically correct, and Oriental (does that really need to be capitalized, or no?) is outdated and offensive. When James was explaining this to me, he said to think of the Oriental Railroad, and that should explain it. At any rate, it's something I've been talking about lately, and I found it funny because the Phillipinos in the movie were like, "What are you talking about?" It was funny. Also, however, Phillipinos are not really considered Asians because they're not from Asia (though right now I can't remember what they're considered, so do excuse me). In all, I can no longer say I have an Asian boyfriend. He's Phillipino. Also, technically, you can no longer spell Phillipino F-i-l-i-p-i-n-o, because that spelling comes from the word flip, which is a racist term. I hope you all found that very educational, because I did.

Today I got my Mark. products in that I ordered last week. I was very happy. I am now the proud owner of a ridiculously cute canvas makeup bag, as well as a bunch of other goodies. Ah, makeup, how I love thee.

Alright, time to peace out. Hopefully I should receive a call soon. If not, I'm going to bed anyway. Ah, the joys of someone being mad at you for not being mean enough to other people under unexpected circumstances. It's cool. Sweet dreams to all. I do hope you like my new template as much as I do. And there are some lovely links on the side, starting with Another Side, just so you know that those aren't people on my Buddy List, but other sites completely. Nighty night!

aigre-douce at 10:59 p.m.

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