
The overwhelming frustration

Yesterday wasn't too bad. Actually, it was pretty nice. I got up early, and was all ready to go way before James even woke up. I talked to Nick (f.k.a. Cassanova), who wanted me to tell me what he thought of a poem. I loved it, so he 'gave' it to me; i.e. dedicated it to me, even though it has nothing to do with me other than I liked it. According to dictionary.com, catholic means: Including or concerning all humankind; universal: �what was of catholic rather than national interest� (J.A. Froude).

'Catholic'-Nicolas Reinhart The supple exposition and composition of seeing each other nude, is the greatest gift two people can give to each other. The reality of all those hidden intricacies is like a bow and ribbon, waiting for the hunting apparatus pointedness of culture. So long I stand waiting for treasure chest eleven year old excitement. Only in the pale moonlight are your breasts not only exposed, but your heart sits like a dangling soap on a rope, clean and somehow exfoliating. Forgiveness is only understandable when we see each other as god see us, pink, simple, and tofu. In the absence of clothing the only greatness allowable is opposable thumbs and stretch marks of faded glory. Clothes make the man, but nudity capitalizes necessity.

Only Nick would say God sees us as tofu. No wonder he's atheist.

James came over, used my straightening iron, and I wrestled with him so we could leave. We washed the car (which was an adventure in itself), and bought new blades for the wipers. Also, I talked him into buying me a Hello Kitty car air freshener pack. The HK air fresheners are very cute, but can't be used "until the car is [mine]." Whatever that means.

We went to the Italian and Euro Bistro for lunch; James's first time. We had the buffet, which wasn't terrific, but the decor made up for it some.

We spent the rest of the day hanging out at James's, watching some VH1 movie with Marky Mark and Jennifer Anniston in it, and playing video games. How I do love Tetris Worlds, even though I beat Level 4 about 25 times (no joke), and it still did not promote me. Warcraft 3 can be either very entertaining or annoying to listen to, also.

We went to Walmart to (try to) pick up his prescription, and ran into some guys he'd known from high school. They were talking about how all these people they'd gone to school with were married or were getting married, and some had kids and stuff. The guy (who's name I can't remember) grinned and turned to us and was like, "So, marriage? You two? Have you guys talked about that? Is that an awkward question?" I cracked up. James totally froze up on the spot, though he wil tell you he didn't. It was great. After saying bye to the guys, we talked about it. (James felt bad, and was backpedaling) James was like, "I didn't freeze up! I just didn't know what to say! I mean, are we talking about it? We are, right? But it's not like we have a date set or anything." I pointed out to him that you can't have a date set until there's actually a proposal made, and he flushed. It was quite funny.

We had dinner at Waffle House, which I find to be quite comforting. I wanted some waffles soo badly. Our waitress was very nice, so we tipped her $10. She was funny, too. After she gave us our food, she asked if we needed anything else. We said no, and she was like, "Well, I'm gonna go finish my ice cream then. I tell you what, I quit smoking, and since then, I'm always eating ice cream, chewing on my nails, or I have the shakes. I'm on -------, which is a psychotic drug, and it helps you to stop smoking and lose weight. I tell my husband it's pure pleasure." We cracked up.

The day would have ended wonderfully, too, had I not fucked up on the way home. I turned too widely into a lane, and nearly hit a dark SUV that I hadn't seen at all. I'm a bad driver. That's really all there is to say about it. It doesn't come naturally to me at all, and I have no 'feel' for it. In fact, James wanted me to pull up closer to the curb when I pulled up to my house (it's not like I was in the middle of the road or anything, he's just picky), and I had to redo that. And THEN when I redid that, he told me to leave the car running, and I forgot to put it into Park. Me=retard. There's no excuse, I'm just a really bad driver. And I wonder why I don't have my license. Hah. Needless to say, he was pretty angry with me, and I was angry with him for being angry with me, plus I was embarassed. So I didn't tell him goodnight or anything, just walked into my house without looking back or anything. Usually he calls me to tell me he got home safely, so I wait up for that. Last night, I read a little while I waited, but ultimately I was too exhausted, and crashed out. I woke up maybe an hour later to the phone ringing. James called to apologize, and also to tell me that instead of us going through with the semi-plans we'd made for today (going to the beach, spending the night together, or doing SOMETHING and spending the night together, at any rate), he was just going to do some stuff he needed to do. At the time, I was still too angry to care, plus I was dead tired.

This morning I remembered why we'd made overnight plans in the first place. My sister is having her ridiculously annoying friend come over today and spend the night. Ugghh, I hate that girl (the friend). I tried to just kind of put it out of my head, and got online. Now, there's this arts and crafts festival in Fairhope that James and I had been planning to go to, and scope out apartments in Mobile while we were there. We had thought it was near the end of this month. However, I got an email from my Uncle Donald saying it's today and tomorrow. FUCK! I'd read James's LJ to see if he'd updated, and sure enough,he'd made an update at 6:14 this morning. I'm thinking, maybe we could leave for Mobile this afternoon, and scope out apartments and go to the fair tomorrow. So I call him, thinking he'd still be up, and he was definitely back asleep. Good lord, I hope the rest of the day is not as annoying and frustrating as this morning has been.

Wish me luck.

aigre-douce at 9:57 a.m.

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