
"fuck- - ass!"

Bloody hell, I can't make anybody happy. Fuck me for ever trying to brighten someone else's day, because it's sure to backfire in some form or fashion. Tonight was the first night in a long time I fell asleep easily, and before 2 in the morning. That didn't last long, since I got a call from someone, who basically called to tell me they were angry at me for absolutely nothing. Of course, I have trouble sleeping when I know someone I care about is upset with me, so here it is, 3:06 in the AM, and I'm wide awake. The best part, though, is that I'm supposed to get up at 7 in the morning and drive to Pensacola to go to the beach with James. Fucking Christ, I cannot win. The past two weeks have sucked ass, with the exception of a few, bright days CAUSED BY JAMES, OF COURSE. Since he's almost always the source of my happiness. I hope that one day, my selflessness in relationships with people pays off. I'm tired of people realizing what a great person I am only after I'm no longer in their lives. Here's hoping I fall asleep soon, and wake up wired.

aigre-douce at 3:03 a.m.

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