
What's Become My Weekly Update

This past week has been full of me worrying. James has been sick, and if he were to get any sicker at one point, he would've had a forced vacation in Flowers Hospital. This week we were supposed to go apartment hunting in Mobile, and obviously did not. I have not even seen James in about a week, b/c he's been so sick. One day I got a little too goodhearted and Amelie-inspired, and set up a thing for a bunch of random people to leave James get-well notes. On the upside, humanity (a sample portion, anyway) proved to me all hope was not lost by leaving James nice notes, in agreement with the Amelie spirit. The downside was that it really embarassed James, and we didn't talk for a day because of it. It's been almost a year since our first date (okay, 11 months and 2 days to be exact, but almost a year!), and I'm still learning. I guess you really never quit learning in relationships, so I don't feel bad about it or anything. Stepping stones.

This afternoon James told me he was feeling better, and was almost back to normal, which excited me. However, upon returning home this evening from my Avon meeting, I found out that my grandfather is in a cardiac care unit, had a heart catheter today, and that his left aorta (or something) is really clogged. I'm doing my best not to worry too much about this. My grandmother's twin died in January, then right after that, my grandmother was in the hospital for about 2 weeks, and now my grandfather (all on the same side) is in the hospital. It's making me a tad nervous, all this hospital talk. I say "all this hospital talk", but really, I'm taking it very seriously, I just like to pretend I'm not.

Other than that and some moodswings, things have been okay, I guess. Good socially, even. I've even been dressing better, which is always a good sign (as shallow as you may think that is, I'm serious). In fact, yesterday I wore my new black skirt w/the pink sparrow that James bought me in Atlanta (he has great taste), and the pastor's wife (hailed by many as Miss Fashionista) stopped me to compliment me on my outfit.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is coming on tv this week, and as I don't yet have that, I'm excited.

I've been trying to dodge a cold for the past couple of days, and it's catching up. I took some nighttime sinus stuff last night, and was knocked out until almost 12 today. I woke up b/c the house phone and Dad's cell phone kept ringing, so I walked outside to tell him he missed some calls, and Soren was out there, helping him put the engine into the Cyclone. That's right, he got to see me in all of my morning glory (ahha!), and I was unprepared. Times I'm glad I slept in my makeup . . . Hah. I got cleaned up, and Dad and I went to Carlisle's for lunch (our waiter, who we've had the last few times we've been there remarked on missing us lately). After lunch we ran a few errands, and by the time we got home (about an hour or two later), I was wiped out again and had to take a nap.

I got up and Mom and I went to the Avon meeting (there aren't enough Mark. reps in this area for us to have our own meeting, so for now, I have to settle attending Avon meetings, which is cool since I get free stuff @ them) with Elaine in Dothan. Elaine's a woman that goes to our church, and works w/Mom in the bookstore. She's super shy, so I haven't really gotten to know her in the years we've been acquainted, and thanks to these meetings, I've come to find out she's pretty kickass. The woman has a great sense of humor, and what's more, is one of those adults @ our church that doesn't dislike me for whatever reason, which always helps. If I sense someone doesn't like me, I don't give them a chance to prove otherwise, usually. I'm not mean, I just don't say anything to them, and avoid them. However, (surprising, given that she's friends with the same women that have made up reasons not to like me, and then spread them around like a virus) I've never received that vibe from Elaine, and so now she's someone I might consider a friend (not close by any means, but still, a friend). It's kinda cool. Tonight I even won a really pretty bracelet I'd been eyeing as a door prize, but gave it to a woman who won a toe ring (and is in her sixties; we traded, though I'm sure I'll never wear it). I just thought, 'Ya know, if I was sixty, and had won a toe ring, I'm thinking I'd rather have a nice bracelet', so I gave it to her instead. I'm inherently nice, it's weird. Unless, of course, someone flakes out on me, but we know how that goes.

And so. James is getting better, and hopefully I'll feel a lot better when I wake up in the morning. It's mostly just my throat being super sore, and being fatigued (for whatever reason), and interestingly, very little sinus pain. Which is great, because I've had chronic sinus problems, so...yeah.

aigre-douce at 11:27 p.m.

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