
Marvelous Things

Wouldn't it be great if you could see a glimpse of yourself one year from now? For instance, if last year I could've just seen myself (just now) feeding my cats, that would have made me so happy. I didn't have cats until this Christmas, and knowing that I would get cats would make me so happy. It's such a small thing, but it would make me happy. Of course, if that happened, it could always be read incorrectly. For instance, one time (I don't want to say 'had a vision', but that's the best way I can describe it) I got a hunch that my dream guy would have dark hair. So when I saw Elliott when he'd dyed his hair dark, I thought it was him. And now James has naturally black hair . . . That wasn't the best (or clearest) illustration, but you get the idea. Anyway, that was my thought for today.

I'm happy to report that tomorrow I will be getting my hair cut (ahhhh), and have an eye appointment (finally!!) on Wednesday. I could not be happier right now. James and I are planning on sneaking to Atlanta this coming week to go aparment hunting, also. I'm sooooo excited.

Also! Since James insists that my first tattoo be something small (in other words, I'll be getting the revolvers later), I'm proud to announce that I came up with something small. It's a design I've doodled for years, and I've perfected it. Now I just have to figure out where to put it...

aigre-douce at 2:08 p.m.

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