
Seven Up

Tonight I was taken completely by surprise. And not in a the-floor-was-just-snatched-out-from-under-me-and-now-I'm-sore-all-over kind of way, either. How refreshing.

Seriously, I need to be in bed right now. James is picking me up around 9 to take me to my appointment in Dothan in the morning. After that we're going fishing with Josh.

Instead of sleeping, however, I'm rambling here, blinging, and just finished a survey entry on LJ.

I'm not the biggest fan of re-evaluating my life. When I do, I come up with crazy theories of how to live my life differently, and the last time I did that, things took a disastrous turn. Sure, I had new experiences with new people, but I really can't say I don't regret all of that. I don't want that again, but I don't really have a choice. This time, it's not my fault. I can't be blamed or held responsible for anything that becomes a result of the last weeks's developments.

At any rate.... I get to go fishing tomorrow and finally have my first dermatologists appointment at the age of twenty. Kickass.

aigre-douce at 1:28 a.m.

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