
Just live and breathe, try not to die again

I am now the proud occupant of apartment C302 of the infamous lofts in Atlanta. James and I signed the lease Thursday. I'm not 21, so I could only sign as an occupant, but I'm still on the lease, so it's legally half mine. Josh will also be living with us for a couple of months. Our apartment is kickass.

We got the first month's rent for free...and ended up spending most of what would have been the rent money on necessities for the apartment.

We'd brought up air mattresses (James and I shared one; Josh had his own), and spent the night. We turned on the electricity, have a phone line, water, gas, etc., etc. James and Josh are going back up tomorrow to build a loft for the top. We didn't want to leave Atlanta so badly that we spent the night again last night, and then drove home this afternoon.

I have to tell my parents either tonight or tomorrow. Yiiiikes. I just feel bad b/c I've had to lie (I've said I've spent the night w/Kim when I went to Atlanta), and my parents have been super sweet lately. As soon as I tell them, they're going to know that at some point I lied about being at Kim's. However, in my defense, recall that I did try to talk to them about it before I ever went.

Apparently our balcony is the best ever for watching drama at the gate. Last night some woman decided to try and drive through the gate after someone else (despite the fact there's a sign in plain view that clearly states that the gate is timed to close after each car), and then flipped her bitch switch at the security guard when the gate arm thingy lightly bumped off the top of her truck. Ohhhh man it was funny. Jason, Robley, MaryAnne, Nicole, Rami, James, Josh and I cheered for the security guard, which was even funnier, because he was definitely not taking any shit from that woman (hence our cheering). The girl's boyfriend went back to the gate to yell at the security guard, who in turn called the cops. It was extremely entertaining. Weeknights from 5-9: The Gate.

You wouldn't believe how incredibly excited, happy, and proud I am right now.

aigre-douce at 6:55 p.m.

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